End of class, passing time, last classes, and assigned position

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Meanwhile, on the streets, Tom and Timmy walked to the front door of the house.

Tom: I'll see you and the other later, son.

Timmy: Okay.

Tom: If you want a snack from the bakery, you can come down and tell us.

Timmy: Okay. *He goes into the Living room and he sees his mom as Tom heads back to the Bakery for the rest of the shift. * Hi, mom.

Sabine: (holding a cup of green tea) Hey, sweetie. How was school?

Timmy: School was good.

Sabine: That's good. Do you got any homework?

Timmy: No.

Sabine: Okay. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll be right back.

Timmy: Okay. *She gets up from the couch and walk to the bathroom. Timmy decided to get an after school snack, he opened the fridge, and get a pudding cup. * Mm. I love pudding. *He reached for a spoon, opened his pudding cup, and eat some. Before Othiteka and Anarka go to the store, they picked up Aria from school. *

Aria: Hi, daddy

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Aria: Hi, daddy. Hi, Ms. Couffaine.

Anarka: Please, call me Anarka. Mrs. Couffaine was my mother.

Aria: Okay.

Othiteka: Let's go do some shopping. *They walk to the nearest supermarket. *

Aria: Are we going to buy Juleka's present?

Othiteka: We will. We'll have to do it after we buy food for tomorrow. Plus, pick up your brother from school too. I'll need his help with the present I have in mind for her.

Aria: Okay.

Anarka: We won't be getting much for tomorrow. And since we'll handle the food tomorrow, we'll order pizza for dinner tonight.

Aria: I love pizza. *Othiteka chuckled and rubbed her head. *

Othiteka: We'll get to that later shopping.

Aria: Okay.

Othiteka: Your brother should be out of school in 1/2 an hour. So, think it'll get us enough time to get done before then?

Anarka: It depends on how much we get. But it won't be long.

Othiteka: Okay.

Back at the Champerret barrack, Bernard looked through the application and resume and thought of a position for Skye on the force.

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Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now