End of spa day, opening up more, back to work, and complicated figure skater

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In the la Reserve Paris Spa, the 15 minutes were up, Virginia told Chloe to get out of the mineral bath, she stepped out of the tub, and Virginia handed her a towel.

Virginia: Did you enjoy your spa day, Miss Bourgeois?

Chloe: (wrapping herself in the towel) I did. Thank you.

Virginia: You're welcome. Follow me so you can put back on your regular clothes. 

Chloe: Okay. *She looked at her fingernails, she realized she hasn't gotten her nails done. * Uh, Virginia, I need to get my nails and toes done.

Virginia: Of course. That's where we're going. Follow me, I have your robe all clean.

Chloe: (drying off) Okay. *She finishes up drying off, she hands Virginia the towel, Virginia hands Chloe her robe, and she puts it on. * Thank you. Where are my slippers.

Virginia: Of course. *She picked up two white slippers and put them down. * Here you go. *Chloe slipped on the slippers and they kept walking to the nail and foot spa room. * Okay, one of our finest manicure and pedicure workers will work their magic on your fingers and toes.

Chloe: I'll be the judge of that. 

Virginia: Okay. *Chloe walked to an empty seat and sat next to the manicure employee name Patrica. * 

Patrica: Hello, how can I help you?

Chloe: I would like a manicure, please?

Patrica: Okay. Go ahead and pick out the nail polish you'd like. *Chloe looked over at the nail polish colors. * 

Chloe: Hmm... I'll go with red. *She holds the bottle of red nail polish. *

Patrica: Good choice

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Patrica: Good choice. Just soak your hands in that bowl of water. *Chloe soaks her hands in the bowl of water, pulls them out, dries them off with a towel, and laid her hands out for Patrica to paint her nails. At the Cafe de Flore, Ben came back with James' food and Melanie's blueberry pie. *

Ben: Okay sir, here's your order. The chicken salad and your iced tea.

James: Thank you, sir.

Ben: You're welcome. Your dessert will be out shortly.

James: Okay. 

Ben: (putting a plate down in front of Melanie)  And here's your pie, ma'am.

Melanie: (picking up a fork) Thank you.

Ben: You're welcome. And here's your bill, ma'am.

Melanie: Thank you.

Ben: You're welcome, ma'am. Enjoy, sir. *James nodded, Ben walked away, James started eating his food, and Melanie finished up her food, and got started on her pie. *

James: I can pay for your bill.

Melanie: (taking out her wallet from her purse) Oh, no. That won't be necessary. I got it.

Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now