Monday: First day of school, getting ready for school, and new brooch

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Evening time came at the Disco Roller Skating Rink, the parking lot was close to being full and everyone start going inside the building, Marinette looked up and saw the building.

Marinette: Well this is the last time of doing something fun before school. *She walked inside. *

Marin: Still don't know why I have to come.

Bridgette: (nudging Marin in the arm) Because you were with us when they were discussing what we should do for our last summer together and you were okay with that.

Marin: Should've suggested mini golf.

Tom: Hey, come on. You'll see what roller skating in a roller rink is a lot of fun. *Inside the building, there were people on the rink roller skating, having fun, and people putting on skates. Patrick and Siobhan skate together, Nick and Keiko hold hands and skate together, and a disco ball on the ceiling. *

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Bridgette: This should be fun

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Bridgette: This should be fun. 

Roller rink employee(Barb): Here you go, size 5 small rollerskates.

Nicole: Thank you. *She takes the skates and puts them on her feet, Marinette, Bridgette, Marin, and Timmy walk up to the counter. *

Barb: Hello, how can I help you all?

Tom: 5 skates, please? 

Barb: What size and color skates?

Marinette: Pink size 4 small, please?

Bridgette: Baby blue, size 6 medium, please?

Marin: Brown, size 10 medium. 

Timmy: Um...

Tom: He's a size 3 and what color skates you want?

Timmy: Green. 

Tom: Green for him and for me, black skates, size 13 large.

Barb: Coming right up. *She starts grabbing their skates and puts them on the table. * Here you go. Enjoy rollerskating. 


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Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now