Meeting with Sabrina, ordering Japanese food for lunch, and planning next attack

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In the Agreste Mansion, Felix look through his phone when something came to mind for him, and that would be Bridgette. 

Felix: Hmm, wonder what she's up to. *He goes to his contact, finds her number, and calls her. Soon, the other line ringed and answered. *

Bridgette: (through the phone) Hello?

Felix: (on the phone) Hey, Bridgette. How's it going?

Bridgette: (on the phone, walking down the street) Pretty good. Just got home from two weddings.

Felix: (on the phone) Two weddings? 

Bridgette: (on the phone) Yeah. Now we're home. I'm thinking of doing something but I have no idea. *They walked around the bakery to the main doors to the house. * 

Felix: (through the phone) Well if you want, I know we haven't been going out lately, I was wondering if you and I can either go to a cafe for lunch, see a movie, taking a walk through the Tulieries des Jardin, get some ice cream, or taking a charriot ride around Paris. 

Bridgette: (on the phone, Marin getting his house keys out) Those sound like nice places to go or do, I  just had lunch, but I don't mind a bite to eat. So, a lunch outing and a walk to the Tuileries des Jardin sounds like a nice idea.

Felix: (on the phone) 'Yes!' Okay. Just let me know when you're ready and I can meet you at your house for our date. 

Bridgette: (through the phone) Okay. See you later. *She hangs up the phone and they all walked inside the house. In Marinette's house, after Marinette, Bridgette, and Marin came home from their training session, Sabine opened her eyes from her nap when she heard the door open and hearing them walking inside. *

Sabine: Huh, you're back. Where did you three went off to?

Marin: Just taking a breather, that's all.

Sabine: Oh, okay. 'Wonder what that means.' *They then went to their rooms, Marinette opened the trap door to her bedroom then decided to change out of her clothes, and put on something else. *

Marinette: Okay, I have to meet with Sabrina

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Marinette: Okay, I have to meet with Sabrina. 'Hopefully it's not too serious.' Just something for the rest of the day. *She goes through her closet and sees what she can wear. * Hmm, this one looks nice. *She pulled out her black and white striped shirt, a black and white polka dot, and a pair of black baby doll shoes. * These look good. *She goes behind the fold-up change folders, she changed out of her clothes she wore from training, and put on her recent clothes she picked out then put on her shoes. * Hmm... I need something else. *She puts her clothes in the laundry basket, goes to her vanity table, and sees what she can have as an accessory. *


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Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now