Second class ends, more bakery routes and orders, and getting Dragons ready

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At College Francoise DuPont, in Ms. Miller's drama class, Ms. Miller was talking about the importance of cooperation and communication.

 Miller was talking about the importance of cooperation and communication

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Ms. Miller: There is a difference between Cooperation and Collaboration. Cooperation involves working with others to help them achieve their individual goals. For example, in drama, cooperation can include discussing, negotiating, rehearsing, and performing. All while Collaboration it involves people working together on a shared goal, with the end product coming from the group's efforts. In drama, collaboration can be similar to the function of a sports team or military unit, where many people contribute to the group's success. For example, actors can collaborate to pool their creative energies, resulting in a performance that transcends individual brilliance. Your homework assignment, I'm gonna partner you all up into a group of three people, you will use the methods we talked about today: Cooperation and Collaborating. *A few moaned at that. *

Camilla: Why do we even bother with this one? Even though the first week of school was already over

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Camilla: Why do we even bother with this one? Even though the first week of school was already over.

Ms. Miller: Now, now. This will teach you all the two important things we discussed and one more thing: teamwork. Now, listen closely to your names and who you partnered up with. Taylor, Dennis, and Oliver.

Taylor: Hmm, not a bad choice. *Oliver nodded his head yes. *

Ms. Miller: George, Kylie, and Andrea.

Andrea: (facing Kylie) Cool.

Kylie: Yeah.

Ms. Miller: Stacey, Elizabeth, and Anna. Selma, Kendall, and Esra.

Esra: Hmm, not a bad choice.

Zoe: 'I hope I don't get paired up with anyone who might dislike me.'

Ms. Miller: Hailey, Trevor, and Owen.

Zoe: 'Aw man.'

Ms. Miller: And Zoe, Brittany, and Melissa.

Zoe: Wait who? *Brittany looked confused and looked over at Zoe. * 'That can't be good.'

Ms. Miller: Now, you all will pick a topic on how you wanna work together on this project, which you will present in front of the class tomorrow.

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