Lunchtime and sending Sapotis to Paris, France

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Back at College Françoise DuPont, in Mr. Thomas' Geography class, Mr. Thomas writes down some lecture notes on the board and everyone copies them down in their notebooks.

Mr. Thomas: So far we covered the History of Geography and Geography and Exploration, do any of you have any questions regarding the lecture on what we learned about? *No one raised their hands. * Okay, good to know. I'd say you all got a better understanding on the agenda. Now comes to the fun part.

Nino: What fun part?

Mr. Thomas: You get homework tonight. *Some moaned at that. * Now, now, no need to moan. This will be helpful and get a better understanding in things today. Without learning, you won't be able to know anything once you're done with school and move on with your lives.

Chloe: Luckily I won't have to go through much since I think school is a waste of time, you can barely know anything. So what's the point of it?

 So what's the point of it?

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Mr. Thomas: You'll soon learn, Chloe. You'll soon learn. *He puts the papers together and place the rest on his desk. * Now, one more thing to discuss... *Soon, the bell ringed for the end of class. * We'll save the rest for tomorrow. Class is dismissed, have a good rest of your day, everyone. *They all gather their stuff and leave Mr. Thomas' class. *

Nino: Guess I can tell Chris I may or may not take him to the park later.

Alya: That's too bad.

Nino: No kidding.

Juleka: I want to tell you guys something.

Rose: You do?

Mylene: What is it, Juleka?

Juleka: (points at the cafeteria building) I'll tell you all inside.

Alya: Okay. *They head to their lockers and put their stuff inside their lockers and head to the cafeteria together. *

Matt: (looking at his phone) Aw, man.

Bill: What's up?

Matt: My mom said my Uncle Phil is in the Hospital.

Luka: What happened?

Matt: He had a seizure.

Luka: Wow.

Bill: That's tough.

Chris: Seizures are no joke.

Matt: I'm going to visit him after school.

Luka: (walking to his locker and open it) What made him have a seizure?

Matt: (opening his locker and putting his history textbook inside) I don't know. My mom said they're running tests and see what caused it. She said she'll call or message me and tell what's going on.

Bill: (closing his locker and start walking) My grandpa had a seizure once.

Matt: Did he survive it?

Bill: No. He died from it.

Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now