Adrien's talk, telling them about the phone call, and juice bar arrival

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At the Agreste Mansion, Adrien got done with his homework and with 1/2 an hour before dinner time, he and Felix were playing checkers together.

At the Agreste Mansion, Adrien got done with his homework and with 1/2 an hour before dinner time, he and Felix were playing checkers together

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Felix: So, how are you and Kagami?

Adrien: We're good. We talked for a bit before and after fencing practice.

Felix: About what?

Adrien: Just about what we should do together since the only time we ever meet up is during fencing practice.

Felix: Have you ever come out of your comfort zone?

Adrien: I have lately.

Felix: I meant you. Not as a superhero.

Adrien: I do stuff. Sometimes.

Felix: Like what?

Adrien: There were times I "forget" to go to fencing practice. Just to go see my friends play.

Felix: Play? Like a game or something?

Adrien: No. I meant they're in a band: Kitty Section.

Felix: Ah. So, you go there instead of fencing?

Adrien: Sometimes. But not much because you know, I'm a model and all.

Felix: Right. Will you ever tell your father you don't want to be a model anymore?

Adrien: I haven't had the time to tell him. But when the time is right, I'll tell him. But until then, I have to tough it out for now.

Felix: Okay. *He moved his red pieces over Adrien's black checker pieces. * King me!

Adrien: Aw man.

Felix: Told you I'm good.

Adrien: Yeah, you're right.

Felix: So, what else been going between you two?

Adrien: Well...

Flashback moment: After fencing practice, Adrien and Kagami walks dowstairs together, holding hands too.

Kagami: I see that your fencing skills have improved.

Adrien: Were my skills lacking?

Kagami: Only just a little bit.

Adrien: Guess I wouldn't mind a little one-on-one practice, huh?

Kagami: If my mother can approve that request. *Soon, Tastu parked outside the school. * I better get home. I'll try to come over to your house tomorrow. If you're not too busy of course.

Adrien: I'll keep that in mind. *They both peck on the lips, Kagami walked down the steps, opened the car door, stepped inside, and closed the door as Tatsu drives off. *


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