Heroes vs Captain Hardrock

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On the streets, Captain Hardrock flies all over Paris, catching people in chains and hauling them under the ship.

Captain Hardrock: There's nothing like catching any wandering tryants in the streets. Now comes the bigger catch of the day.

Ladybug: Ahoy, Captain.

Captain Hardrock: Ladybug! You and your sidekicks won't get in the way of my voyage. Get off my ship! That's the Captain's order!

White Fang: We'll have to deny that order, Captain! Set everyone free from the Haul!

Captain Hardrock: Never. If you want to free them yourselves, why don't you join them instead? Seize them! *She points her sword out and chains start flying out, they evaded the chains flying. They used their weapons and deflect them off. *

Ladybug: Don't let the chains catch you.

Firefly: Why? *He backflip away as the three chains were flying straight towards him, and he threw his light slicer out. *

Eagle: (twirling her bullroarer) So we won't become her prisoners. *She deflect a few chains away, Captain Hardrock scowled as she clinched her hands on the wheel. *

Captain Hardrock: Perhaps it's time to double the army. Have fun fighting off my Pirate crew! *She raised her sword up, summoning her Pirate army, and they start holding their swords, looking angry too. *

Leo: This might be tougher than we thought

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Leo: This might be tougher than we thought.

Captain Hardrock: Throw them all overboard! *The Pirates raised their swords, yelling and charging towards them. *

Ladybug: Slow them down while I'll think of a way to break the compass.

Miss Fawn: A compass? *One Pirate swing his sword out at Miss Fawn, but Miss Fawn point her wand out and fire off an energy beam and blasted the Pirate back and nearly fell off the boat. *

Ladybug: (threw her yo-yo out, twirled it, and flipped over two pirates) Yes. It's where the Akuma was hiding at.

Pirate #3: Get Ladybug!

Ladybug: Good luck kick! *Her leg glowed red and she kicked out an energy beam and knock two Pirates back too. *

Captain Hardrock: You're not gonna touch my compass! Get back, Ladybug or I'll squish you like the bug you are. *She whistled out more Pirates, they stood side by side with Captain Hardrock.

Ladybug: (twirled her yo-yo) More crew on your vessel? We can handle them.

Captain Hardrock: Get them and their miraculous! *More Pirates charge and fight them off, the Heroes fight them off too. Ladybug duck, dodged a few sword swings, threw her yo-yo out, tied them up, and threw them off the ship. Black Panther twirled his stick, sword fought a few Pirates, and struck a few below the knees. The Pirates exclaimed and held on to their knees. *

Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now