Setting up the cake, closing up the bakery, and phone call from Gina

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In the bakery, the line has 4 people left, Mulan boxed up a box of pistachio macarons and handed them to Sabine.

Sabine: (taking the box) Thank you, Mulan. Here you go, ma'am. One dozen pistachio macarons.

Female customer: (taking the box) Thank you

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Female customer: (taking the box) Thank you. *She walked out of the bakery. Then, a female customer, holding her son's hand walked up to the counter. *

Sabine: Hello, welcome to the Boulangerie Patisseire, how can I help you?

Female customer: I would like 6 pineapple donuts, please? They're for my book club meeting tonight.

Sabine: Okay, 6 pineapple donuts. Anything else?

Female customer: (looking down at her son) What would you like, sweetie?

Little boy: I want a chocolate brownie, please?

Sabine: (putting in the total) Okay. 6 pineapple donuts and one chocolate brownie, that'll be 7 euros. Would you like to pay with cash or card?

Female customer: I'll pay with card.

Sabine: Okay. Just swipe it whenever you're ready.

Female customer: Okay. *She let go of her son's hand, go inside her purse, pulled out her wallet, get her debit card out, and swiped it. The transaction went through. Mulan put together a box for the donuts, Bridgette gets a pair of tongs to pick up the donuts. *

Bridgette: Ready?

Mulan: Ready. *Bridgette picked up one pineapple donut at a time and place it in the box. * There. *She closed up the box and place it on the counter. *

Sabine: Thank you, girls

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Sabine: Thank you, girls. *Mushu gets a small bag for the brownie, Bridgette hold the tongs, get a piece of chocolate brownie, then put it in the bag, and Mushu closed it up. *


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Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now