Heroes vs Malediktator part 1

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On the streets, Malediktator was busy making commands all over Paris, People were causing destruction all over the city and looking for Ladybug and Black Panther, Malediktator looked around and feel impatient.

Malediktator: Where are they? They should be here! *Soon, a few police officers pulled up on the streets and faced Malediktator. *

Roger: (through a megaphone) Stop in the name of the Law, Mr. Mayor.

Malediktator: I'm above all of you, the law can't keep me down. By the power vested to me, all of you cops will be my army. *He creates a yellow orb and throws it at Roger and the other cops. *

Roger: Men, cover Malediktator!]

Police officers: Yes, sir. *They start protecting Malediktator. From afar, the heroes looked at a distance. *

Mister Quills: This is trouble.

Eagle: Big time.

Ladybug: We dealt with him before, we can do it again.

White Fang: I couldn't remember what happened when we were dealing with him.

Ladybug: You were under his influence and I had to get some help.

White Fang: Oh yeah, I was a cat. Hehe. *Uncanny scoped out the area and she saw a group of cops guarding Malediktator. *

Uncanny: Looks like he's being guarded. He got the police under this control.

Leo: So much for a sneak attack. How will we ambush him?

Ladybug: It won't be easy, but we'll have to do it when no one can protect him for long. Let's go. *They all charge towards him. Malediktator scowled and looked around. *

Malediktator: Where could that be? They should be out here and not hiding for me. Unless they're scared to confront someone who is more powerful than them.

Leo: Who said we were scared of you? *Malediktator looked up and saw them. *

Malediktator: Huh. You sure took your time to come here.

Bloom: What did you do to these people?

Malediktator: I just put them in my control, they do whatever I tell them to do. No one has that power but me. And my first order is getting your miraculous.

Gemma: That will never happen.

Malediktator: Very well then. I'll have to get them from you by force. By the power vested to me, I declare that your Miraculous are my property! *He created so many energy bubbles and starts throwing them out, they evaded the energy bubbles from hitting them. Black Panther twirled his stick and blocked off the energy bubbles, Eagle and Uncanny hovered in thin air and scowled. Mister Quills and Ladybug engages in battle, landing right in front of Malediktator, but his cop army blocked them off with their protective shields. *

Mister Quills: We forgot his cops are under his control.

Ladybug: This won't be easy at all. Just get his sash when he's not looking. *They charge, but the police men blocked them off still. *

Bloom: We gotta get them close to Maeldiktator.

Tina: But the police are blocking their way. How can we do that? *One police officer whack Espadon in the face and kicked him back. *

Espadon: (rubbing his left cheek) Ow. That hurt.

Madame Raya: Are you okay?

Espadon: I'm good. *Digit and Jetty looked ahead and scowled at the officers. *

Digit: Magic cage! *She forms a light green beam and shoots it at the cops who were under Malediktator's control. *


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