Textbook check-out for science, first science lesson, and cheese shop

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At College Francoise DuPont, in Mrs. Jones' classroom, after she went through attendance, Mrs. Jones opened the box on her desk and holds it out towards everyone.

 Jones opened the box on her desk and holds it out towards everyone

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Mrs. Jones: Okay, you all know what we're gonna do today?

Max: Textbook check out?

Mrs. Jones: Yes, Max. We'll be checking out your new textbooks.

Chloe: (filing her nails) Ugh, more textbooks. Can't this school just lower the budget of making us learn stuff we can barely do?

Sabrina: It's best for us to get stuff like this, Chloe. It helps stimulates the mind.

Chloe: (waving Sabrina off) Blah, blah, blah. You explaining it makes my brain hurt.

Sabrina: But... *Chloe placed a finger on Sabrina's lips. *

Chloe: Zip it. *Sabrina nod her head yes and looked straight ahead. *

Mrs. Jones: (showing them the new science textbook) These will be your new textbooks for the whole semester. We're gonna do this: form a single file line, no pushing or shoving, grab a book, and I'll check it out for you. but on a side-note, do not lose your textbook. It costs over 100-euros, so please don't lose these books.

Alya: (whispering to Marinette) Hear that?

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Alya: (whispering to Marinette) Hear that?

Marinette: (whispering to Alya) I learned my lesson.

Mrs. Jones: Okay, come on up and let's get started. Single file I say. *Everyone stands up from their seats, in a straight line, and proceeds with the textbook check out. In Mr. Scott's music class, Mr. Scott went over the lesson plan in his class. *


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