Heroes vs Riposte and Oni-Chan

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On the streets, Riposte and Oni-Chan sword fight the Specialists, Oni-Chan strike at Sky, he skidded back and scowled. Riposte leaped up from building to building, Timmy and Nabu looked up and saw her.

Timmy: There she is.

Nabu: I got her, Timmy. *He twirled his staff and fired at Riposte, but Riposte blocked off the staff fire, she leaped down and started swinging her sword around, pushing Nabu and Timmy back. *

Layla: Nabu!

Tecna: Timmy!

Riposte: Ha-ha-ha!

Ladybug: That's enough! *Riposte and Oni-chan looked up and saw them. *

Riposte: I knew you all would come.

White Fang: Riposte and Oni-Chan?

Firefly: Guess miss big mouth had some work done.

Eagle: Well, their welcome won't last long. *They all leaped down on the pavement and scowled. Soon, Roxy flew and landed in front of them. *

Roxy: We tried holding them off, but no use.

Riposte: We're just gettin' started.

Flora: Winter rose! *She summons a wall of thorny vines and blocks off Riposte and Oni-Chan, they scowl and start cutting down the thorny wall. *

Oni-Chan: Is that the best you can do?

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Oni-Chan: Is that the best you can do?

Alina: We're just gettin' started.

Oni-Chan: This doesn't look like a fair fight.

Riposte: Time to double our army up a bit. Moogers! *A group of Moogers appeared out of hiding. *

Oni-Chan: Clay putties! *A group of clay putties appeared too. *

Riposte: Basher Bots! *A group of Basher Bots appeared too. *

Brandon: This is not good.

Zoe: Who are they?

Ladybug: Riposte and Oni-Chan.

White Fang: Be careful of their swords.

Riposte/Oni-Chan: Attack them! *The Moogers, Clay Putties, and Basher Bots charge towards. *

Bloom: Deal with Oni-Chan, we'll hold off the others. *She ran and the others scowled Riposte and Oni-Chan. *

Oni-Chan: This should be fun.

Riposte: En garde! *They both charged and the Miraculous heroes draw their weapons and fight off Riposte and Oni-Chan. Oni-Chan swings her bokken sword, but Black Panther extends his stick and blocked off the bokken sword, he pushed her back and kick her in the stomach, she covered her stomach and Black Panther kick her back until she hits a parked car. She scowled and she charged towards him, but then a rock wall appeared and she crashed right into it. *

Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now