Bakery shift, Lukanette time, and getting the Witches of East Paris

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In the Bakery, inside there are a line of 7 people in the bakery, Bridgette walked through the bakery door and see a line of people inside.

Bridgette: Hey, Mulan.

Mulan: (typing on the cash register) Hello, Bridgette. Your dad is in the back kitchen.

Bridgette: Thanks. *She walks behind the counter, goes through the back kitchen window and she sees her dad, Marin, and Shang in the kitchen. *

Tom: (holding a tray of fresh baked croissants) Hey, honey. How was school?

Bridgette: It was good. I have homework.

Tom: Okay. Where's Marinette?

Bridgette: She's with Luka. She wanted me to tell you that.

Tom: Okay. *She walks out of the kitchen and head upstairs to the front door then walked inside. *

Sabine: (making a protein smoothie) Hey, sweetie.

Bridgette: Hey, mom. *She hugged her mom. *

Sabine: How was school?

Bridgette: It was good.

Sabine: (looking around) Where's Marinette?

Bridgette: She's with Luka. She wanted me to tell you and dad that.

Sabine: Okay. *She turned the blender off and held the pitcher. * Okay, well hopefully it won't take all day.

Bridgette: (walking to her bedroom) Let's hope not. *She opened her bedroom door and stepped inside. She saw Flo on her bed. * Flo, I'm home. *Flo opened her eyes, yawned and stretched, she flew out of bed, and Bridgette hugged her. * Hello. I'll play with you later, right now I have homework. *Flo purred and flies away, Bridgette puts her backpack down, sits down gets out her homework from one of her classes, and gets started on it before anything comes up. Back in the bakery, business started to slow down and very close to closing time; 1/2 an hour left. Mulan handled the next customer in line. *

Mulan: Hello, ma'am

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Mulan: Hello, ma'am. Welcome to the Boulangerie Patisserie, how can I help you?

Female customer: I would like a small princess cake, please? It's for my daughter, Emi. She's 6 years old.

Mulan: Okay. What flavor princess cake would you like?

Female customer: She loves chocolate, so a chocolate princess cake, please?

Mulan: (putting in the total) Okay. Would you like a birthday cake candle?

Female customer: Yes please. She's 6 years old. *She takes the number 6 candle, Mulan scans it too. *

Mulan: That'll be 9-euros, please? Would you like to pay with cash or card?

Female customer: (opened her purse, pulled out her wallet, and holds out a card) I'll pay with the card.

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