Glacia aftermath, back to the party, back to work, and specialist arival

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After the battle with Glacia, Tatiana skates back to the ice rink where she sees Cpach Yelena, Philippie, and Viola on the ice. Viola practice her skate routine and Tatiana saw her mom on the bench.

Tatiana: Mom?

Coach Yelena: Tatiana!

Tatiana: There's something I have to... *Suddenly, Yelena hugged her tight. * Uh...

Coach Yelena: I was so worried of what happened to you.

Tatiana: You saw, huh?

Coach Yelena: Yes, I did. I just wanted to say I'm so sorry. You were akumatized because of how much pressure I've been putting onto you. I know I have been a very strict teacher to you on your skating skills. The reason why is because... I was the same as you.

Tatiana: You were?

Coach Yelena: Yes, I was. My mom, well your grandma, before she passed, she was my mentor and skating coach. She always called me out on every move I do and whether I made a mistake on the routine I've done. She always wants me to be the best of the best. She always forgets it's not about requiring skills to be a skater, it's always about having fun, living in the moment, and sometimes forgetting the world's problems. Seems like I'm pushing it out on you. But no more, I don't want you to be perfect, just be yourself out there, okay?

Tatiana: Okay, mom. *They both hugged again and Tatiana skates on the ice and practice her routine. On the dock, the others came back and everyone headed back to the upper deck. *

Juleka: Think we can call it a day?

Anarka: I'm sure a few minor setbacks with these villains aren't nothing serious, lass.

Juleka: Okay.

Anarka: Go have fun with your friends, your dad and I will bring the cake out later.

Juleka: Then after that, I can open presents? *Anarka nod her head yes, she heads downstairs, and everyone gets back to socializing with one another while the music was playing. *

Marc: So, you've been to parties before?

Joshua: (eating some fresh fruit) Only the recent ones. But other than that, that's it.

Marc: Cool. *Luka gets some cheese cubes and put them in his pocket for Plagg. *

Plagg: Ahh, sweet cheese. *He eats a cheese cube and another one. *

Luka: (whispered) That should do until who knows when the next villain might show up.

Marinette: (whispering into Luka's ear) Luak, I'm a little bit on edge with this.

Luka: Like what?

Marinette: I don't know. It's like deja vu all over again.

Luka: Deja vu? Oh, yeah. Your birthday when we fought villains.

Marinette: (rubbing the back of her neck) Yeah, you could say that.

Luka: Aw, don't worry. I'm sure nothing bad would happen. *Mylene go tot he water dispenser and get some water. *

Mylene: This was fun. *She drinks some water. *

Amber: Yeah. *She eats some cheese and crackers. * Too bad almost all the food is gone.

Mylene: Really? *She looked at the snack table and nearly all the food is all gone. * Wow. Least we still got some sausage pinwheels, cheese and crackers,a few pigs in a patio left, 10 sandwiches left, a little bit of salsa, some guacamole, tortilla chips, and the fruit bowl is almost gone.

Amber: I had some, they're good.

Matt: Hey.

Mylene/Amber: Hey.

Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now