Reverser aftermath, back to society, party checklist, and dinner montage

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After the fight with Reverser, everyone went their separate ways for the rest of the day. On the roof, Ladybug and Caprikid landed, the last beep came from the Goat miraculous beeped, he de-transform, and Ziggy hovered next to Nathaniel.

Nathaniel: (taking off the miraculous) Thank you for trusting me, Ladybug.

Ladybug: (taking the box and putting it in her yo-yo) You're welcome, Nathaniel. Let's get you down. I have a feeling your friend is wondering where you are.

Nathaniel: Okay. *Ladybug pulled him close, started to swing down, and landed by the store. They see Marc and Rose. *

Marc: Nath! *He went up and hugged him, Ladybug heard another beeping sound from her earrings, and covered it up. *

Ladybug: Better get going. Bug out! *She threw her yo-yo out, and swung away from the streets, and Nathaniel and Marc started walking together, Rose waved goodbye to them and headed home too. In Master Fu's house, Marinette handed Master Fu the Goat Miraculous. *

Master Fu: Thank you, Marinette.

Marinette: You're welcome, Master. Reverser was tough, but we managed to stop him.

Tikki: Especially with your clumsiness and the other's opposite personalities mix-up.

Marinette: (chuckled) Yeah. *She opened her purse, Tikki flew inside her purse, and Marinette closed it up. * See you later, Master.

Master Fu: Bye, Marinette. *Marinette walked out of his house and headed home in time for dinner. *

Marinette: 'Hopefully we won't have much trouble while I'm at Juleka's party.'

Back outside of the Cinema, Dovelei landed in the backway.

Dovelei: Love return! *She de-transforms back to Zoe, Duubu hovers next to her, she reach into her purse, and pulls out a sour gummy worm for him. *

Duubu: Thank you, Zoe.

Zoe: You're welcome, Duubu. Sorry, I don't have any blueberries for you.

Duubu: It's okay. This sour gummy worm is enough in the meantime. *He eats the other half and licks his lips too. *

Owen: Zoe? Zoe?

Zoe: (opening her purse) Uh-oh, Owen's looking for me. Hide, you two. *Amore and Duubu went inside Zoe's purse, Zoe closed it up and walked out from the back way. * Owen?

Owen: Hey. *He ran towards her. * What happened?

Zoe: Guess you were affected by Reverser's power and that was it. Luckily, Ladybug saved the day. 'And I saved you too.'

Owen: That's good. *Soon, a limo was pulled up at the cinema. *

Zoe: That's my ride. I'll see you on Monday.

Owen: Yeah, you will.

Zoe: Great. *She walked away, but Owen took her hand, which Zoe blushed instantly. *

Owen: Wait, is your friend Juleka's party tomorrow?

Zoe: Yeah.

Owen: Oh. Okay. I wanted to buy her a gift, but I don't know well as you do. Would you mind helping me pick out a present?

Zoe: (blushing and looking away) Oh, uh... s-sure, sure.

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