Mime Colony aftermath, second wedding setup, and Kitty Section band rehearsal

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After the battle with Mime Colony, everyone went back to where they came from, Marinette, Marin, Bridgette, and Mulan came back to the car, Marin noticed the wedding cake is fully repaired.

Marin: Hey, the cake is recovered.

Tom: yes. Thanks to you all.

Bridgette: We just did what anyone would do.

Sabine: Well, now that's been taken care of, think we still got time to get to the chapel?

Tom: (putting the gear in drive) Yep. *He starts driving to the wedding venue address. At the Liberty dock, the other came back on the boat. *

Nino: What happened to you guys?

Zoe: Oh, well, uh...

Jessica: One of Alpha Mimes got us. Weird. 

Zoe: Ye-yeah, that's right. 

Nino: Oh, okay. Glad you guys are okay.

Adrien: Thanks, Nino. *Juleka's phone buzzes, she gets it out of her pocket, and sees what's on it. * 

Rose: Who is it, Juleka?

Juleka: It's Luka. He's coming.

Rose: Okay. *Jessica looked over at Owen talking to Joshua. *

Jessica: (whisper to Zoe) Zoe, there's your crush.

Zoe: Huh? *Jessica turns Zoe's head to Owen, Zoe gasped and blushes at the same time. * Please don't bring him here. I'm not ready to talk to him.

Jessica: Come on, you were all happy yesterday at the party when you were talking to him.

Zoe: That's besides the point. *Owen adverts his eyes at Zoe, he grinned, and waved at her. Zoe waves awkwardly at him. * 

Jessica: (whisper again) See? I can tell he likes you.

Zoe: How?

Jessica: Just by looking his expression on his face. Look. *Zoe looked at Owen, he was smiling and walking to Adrien and Nino. *

Zoe: It's not that easy to talk to a boy

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Zoe: It's not that easy to talk to a boy.

Zoe: It's not that easy to talk to a boy

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Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now