Sirenica aftermath, learning a lesson, and catching up on last bit of class

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After the battle with Sirenica, Ladybug retrieved the Turtle miraculous from Nino, the Rooster miraculous from Marc, and the Tiger miraculous from Juleka, she then head back to Master Fu's house, and returned the miraculous back to Master Fu. 

Master Fu: Thank you, Marinette. *She closed the box and put the miracle box back in the phonograph. * You were able to beat Sirenica?

Marinette: Yes, it was a bear, but we managed.

Master Fu: That's good to hear. *Marinette stands up from the floor, she opened her purse, and Tikki goes inside. *

Marinette: See you later, Master.

Master Fu: Good bye, Marinette. *Marinette leaves his house and heads back to school. Back at the Paris Fire Brigade, Skye returned back to Chief Bernard's office, and talked to him. She stands by the door and knocks on it. *

Bernard: (through the door) Come in. *Skye opened the door and she walked inside his office. * Hello, Skye.

Skye: (nervous) Hello, Bernard. I want to apologize about what I did or what I did to anyone of you.

Bernard: No, I should be the one's sorry. I assigned you to a position on the force because I cared about your safety and I said that being in the firefighter with men is dangerous for you. But, I had a change of heart for this one.

Skye: You do?

Bernard: Yes, I do. But as the saying goes, "A girl can do things boys can do." And that includes being a firefighter. *Skye grinned for that remark. * We would like for you to join the firefighter force, if you want to. *Skye grinned and wiped the tears off her face. * 

Skye: I would love to, Chief.

Bernard: Perfect. I have someone who can train you. You can come in now. *The door opened and a male firefighter walked inside the office. * 

???: Hey, Chief?

Bernard: Skye, this is head firefighter in charge, Kevin Swanson. Kevin, this is Skye.

Kevin: Hi, Skye.

Skye: Hello. *They both shake hands. * 

Bernard: I transferred Skye to join you and the other firefighters in the force instead of the paramedic position. 

Kevin: Nice to meet you.

Skye: You too.

Kevin: (walking along with Skye) I'll show you the ropes around the fire force.

Skye: Okay. 'I did it, dad. I'm finally becoming a firefighter just like I hoped to be.'

Back at College Francoise DuPont, on the second floor of the building, Marinette, Adrien, Aeon, and Jordan quietly sneaked back into Mr. Bentley's class without being unseen by the teacher or anyone else. 

Mr. Bentley: Okay, now that the badness is over thanks to our beloved heroes, let's get back to our lesson before the end of class time. 

Alya: (whispered to Marinette) Where were you?

Marinette: (whispered back) Uh... bathroom. Sorry, water just went right through me.

Alya: (whispered back) Okay, if you say so. *They go back to Mr. Bentley's lesson. In the bakery, Marin came through the back kitchen door, he saw Shang and Tom in the kitchen. *

Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now