Bringing the cake out, singing happy birthday, and summoning Style Queen

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At the Cinema, the limo stopped up front, Andre opened the door and stepped out, he also let Chloe, Chelsea, and Chandler out too.

Andre: Thank you, Rodolfo.

Rodolfo: You're welcome, Monsieur Bourgrois. *Andre closed the door and Rodolfo drives off, then they walk inside the cinema, and stopped at the ticket counter. *

Cinema employee (Steven) Hello, welcome to Le Sorbonne. What kind of movie are you interested in?

Andre: (looking at the screen time board) Hmm, what's screening right now?

Steven: We got different genres that's playing right now. Action, animated, horror, comedy, and mystery movies.

Andre: Hmm... what do you guys want to watch?

Chloe: (looking through her phone) Nothing that's a kiddie movie.

Chelsea/Chandler: Elemental!

Andre: What do you think, Chloe?

Chloe: (shrugged her shoulders) Elemental sounds like a fun movie. I'll see it.

Andre: I'm glad. 4 tickets to the elemental movie.

Steven: Would that he 2D or 3D?

Andre: 2D is fine.

Steven: Okay.

Andre: So one adult and three children, please?

Steven: (puts in the total) That'll be 17 euros. *Andre reach into his wallet, pulled out his credit card, he scanned it, the transaction went through, and he put the card back in his wallet. * Okay, here are your tickets, you're in theater 7 on the left.

Andre: (taking the tickets) Thank you. *He handed them a ticket stub and they walk to the concession stand to get some snacks for the movie. * Okay, what do you all want?

Chelsea: I want some popcorn.

Chandler: Me too.

Andre: Okay. 2 bags of popcorn. Any candies, drinks?

Chelsea: Some airheads would be good. The airhead bites.

Chandler: I want some chocolate. *He picked up the box of buncha crunch. *

Andre: Okay. Chloe?

Chloe: Popcorn, some fruit snacks, and a bottle of water.

Andre: Okay. What about drinks?

Chelsea: A cherry slushie for me.

Chandler: I want a blue raspberry one.

Andre: Okay. So 3 bags of popcorn, two slushies: one cherry and one blue raspberry, she wants the airhead bites, he'll have the buncha crunch, she'll have fruit snacks, and a bottle of water.

Concession stand worker (Gregory): Okay, what about you, sir?

Andre: Just some pretzel bites and bottled water, please? *Gregory then starts calculating the total cost of the snacks. *

Gregory: Okay, your total comes to 53 euros and 9 centimes. Would you like to pay with cash or card?

Andre: (holding out his credit card) I'll pay with a card.

Gregory: Okay, scan away, please? *Andre scanned his card, the transaction went through, and Gregory started getting their order together. *

Chloe: How long is this movie anyways?

Andre: I'm not sure, sweetheart. I know the first thing they'll do is play the previews and then show the actual screening. Some movies last for an hour, hour and a half, some even two hours.

Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now