Heroes vs The Tar Monster part 1

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At the city, The Tar Monster trap Parisians in his tar, one person in the car started bubbling and mumbling in the tar, the Tar Monster laughed evilly. But then, an energy beam hit him.

Tar Monster: Augh! *He suddenly retracted his tar, freeing the Parisians, and they all start running away

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Tar Monster: Augh! *He suddenly retracted his tar, freeing the Parisians, and they all start running away. *

Scarlet Truther: What the... who did that?

Timmy: Got him. Least everyone is free.

Ladybug: But our problem is not over yet. *The Tar Monster looked around as they all landed and faced him. The Tar Monster groaned angrily. *

Scarlet Truther: Of course they would be here. Tar Monster, sick 'em with your tar and get their miraculous on the spot. *The Tar Monster growled, he started throwing his tar around, they all evaded his tar, and leaped over him. *

White Fang: How do we deal with this vile of ooze? *Zing flew forward. *

Ladybug: We dealt with him before.

Bloom: Don't worry, we'll handle him. Just as long as he doesn't do anything unexpected. *Tar Monster snickered evilly, he started forming a hand and trying to grab them, Flora, Lily, Alina, Shantel, and Juniper hovered in this air. *

Firefly: (backing away from the tar) Hey, get back! *He hit a parked van, but the Tar Monster caught him. He tries to break free from the tar. * Let me go!

Tar Monster: (laughing evilly)

Miss Fawn: (pink power crystals glowing) Snow plow! *She shoots out snow, trying to blast the Tar Monster, but the Tar Monster evades the snow plow blast, but the snow hit other things. The tar Monster chuckled and started moving around in a puddle form. *

Sky: What is it going?

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Sky: What is it going?

Ladybug: Ugh, who knows? *She threw her yo-yo out and swung away, Black Panther twirled his stick and Cherie scowled and got her powers ready. *

Caramel: It's after us. *Chatta and Tune flies away, Caramel uses her powers, and blasts the Tar Monster, it roars and start spewing out tar. Caramel gasped and flew away. *

Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now