First period lessons: Math, history, and English and Scarlet Truther's plan

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At College Francois DuPont, in Ms. Trussel's classroom, Ms. Trussel wrote down today's lesson before the first bell ring for class to start. A few students walked inside the classroom and take their seats.

Alya: I'm a bit nervous.

Marinette: Nervous? About what?

Alya: About getting our test back.

Marinette: Oh, I'm sure you did good.

Alya: I hope so too. Least you know you'll do good too.

Marinette: I was just having some doubt. 'With me being Ladybug of course.'

Alya: You? Having doubt? Since when?

Marinette: Not sure, but it just happened.

Alya: Ahh. *Soon, the bell rang when Carlos walked inside the classroom. *

Ms. Trussel: Good morning, everyone. *Everyone said good morning to Ms. Trussel. * I hope you all had a good morning so far.

Layla: Even when we started our first class? *Lisa shrugged her shoulders and looked straight ahead. *

Ms. Trussel: Now, I have graded your test from yesterday, but after I do attendance I will pass them back. Just give you guys some time to go over your progress and actually see if you all have paid attention to the lesson I've been giving you for the past week. *She grab her clipboard, took a pen off her pencil holder, and clicked it. * Taylor Andrews?

Taylor: (raised her hand) Here.

Ms. Trussel: (checking off her name) Adrien Agreste?

Adrien: (raised his hand) Here.

Ms. Trussel: (checking off his name) Kelly Atkinson?

Kelly: (raised her hand) Here.

Ms. Trussel: (checking off her name) Chloe Bourgeois?

Chloe: (raised her hand) Here. 'Whatever.'

Ms. Trussel: (checking off her name) Ivan Bruel?

Ivan: (raised his hand) Here.

Ms. Trussel: (checking off his name) Alya Cesaire?

Alya: (raised her hand) Here.

Ms. Trussel: (checking off her name) Janelle Collins?

Janelle: (raised her hand) Here.

Ms. Trussel: (checking off her name) Juleka Couffaine? *Juleka raised her hand. *

Rose: She's here, Ms. Trussel.

Ms. Trussel: (checking off her name) Thank you, Rose. Marinette Dupain-Cheng?

Marinette: (raised her hand) Here.

Ms. Trussel: (checking off her name) Quinton Edmonds?

Quinton: (raised his hand) Present.

Ms. Trussel: (checking off his name) Mylene Harpele?

Mylene: (raised her hand) Here.

Ms. Trussel: (checking off her name) Nicole Harrison?

Nicole: (raised her hand) Present.

Ms. Trussel: (checking off her name) Aeon Hill?

Aeon: (raised her hand) Present.

Ms. Trussel: (checking off her name) Oliver Huntsman?

Oliver: (raised his hand) Here.

Ms. Trussel: (checking off his name) Delmar Jones?

Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now