End of wedding, movie date, heading to Master Fu's, and Mr. Allard akumatized

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Outside of the Banquet hall, after everyone had some cake, they all waved goodbye to the married couple, some people threw rice up in the air, even one man released some doves from a cage. Melissa and Tristen waved to everyone as they got into a car, Tristen opened the door and let Melissa into the front seat, he closed the door, then he went to the front seat, and drove off too. 

Sabine: That was a nice wedding

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Sabine: That was a nice wedding.

Mulan: It was.

Marin: Yep. Glad it's over and we'll worry about another wedding whenever there's another one.

Tom: That's right, Marin. So, are we all ready to go? *Everyone answered yes. * Okay, then. I'll get the car, you all stay here. *They said okay and Tom went to the car, the other wedding guests started to head home too. Then, a little while ago, Tom pulled up towards them, Shang opened the front passenger door for Sabine, and she stepped inside. *

Sabine: Thank you, Shang

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Sabine: Thank you, Shang.

Shang: You're welcome. *He then goes to the back seat with everyone else and they all buckle their seat belts too. *

Tom: Okay, are we all set here? *Everyone answered yes to Tom. * Okay. Let's go home. *He starts driving home. Marinette pulled her phone out and saw what was on it since she couldn't use it because of the two wedding places. She sees a message from Alya and one from Luka. *

Bridgette: (looking through her phone) Who sent you a message?

Marinette: Just my friends. Had my phone on silent. *She opened Alya's message first. *

🦊: Hey, how was the weddings?

🐞: The weddings were good. We're heading home now.

🦊: That's good. hey, if you're not too busy afterwards, think we can hang out. It's been a while since we did anything with the group.

🐞: I have to do something first. Plus, Luka suggested something to me. But I'll let you know.

🦊: Okay. Don't leave me hanging.

🐞: Lol. I won't. *She exited her message board of Alya, then moved on to Luka's message. *

🐍: Hi, Melody. How were the weddings?

Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now