Heroes vs Mime Colony

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In the city, the Mimes were causing destruction all over the city and Alpha Mime pretends to orchestrate the destruction.

Alpha Mime: Yes, yes. Cause the destruction, my minions. Pretty soon those wretched heroes will never stop this destruction and me, of course. *He laughed evilly. *

???: That's what you think! *Alpha Mime turned his head and saw them. *

Alpha Mine: Great, the world's most annoyingiest parasites known to man-kind.

Black Panther: Call off your mimes, Alpha Mime or we'll do it for you.

Alpha Mime: Ha! I'd like to see you try and no I will not. And to make sure you won't even set foot near my army, I have some reinforcements for extra protection. Moogers! *Moogers came out of hiding with their weapons, ready to fight them. *

Mister Quills: This won't be an easy battle

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Mister Quills: This won't be an easy battle.

Ladybug: We'll have to try at least.

Alpha Mime: Get them! Their miraculous is what Scarlet Truther wants. *The Moogers squeal and roar as they charge, the heroes either get their weapons out or get their powers ready and charge too. They start fighting off the Moogers, three Moogers fire off their arrows. *

Brandon: Watch out!

Miss Fawn: I got this one. Winter's end! *She points her wand out, shoots out a green energy beam, which turns the arrows into gold birds. Then, Blue Feather and Dovelei looked up at the Flying Moogers and scowled. *

Blue Feather: (light blue power crystal glowing) Reverberating notes!

Dovelei: (silver power crystal glowing) Solar Blast! *Blue Feather fires purple music notes on pink staves toward the Flying Mooger as Dovelei launches a large orange ball of energy, which explodes in contact with the Flying Mooger. Both attacks hit it and it exploded in the air. But then one Mime appeared behind them, he twirled a lasso rope, threw it out, and tied them up. * Hey!

Blue Feather: What the...

Mime #1: Ooh goody. Two birds in one go. Must be my lucky day. *But then, a fire energy beam blast past the Mime. * Hey!

Tina: Let them go!

Mime #1: Oh, you think you can try to burn me and not get away with it? Oh you're sadly mistaken. *He whistled out for the other Mimes and they suddenly appeared around Mime #1. They start charging towards Tina, Tina scowled, and she made a fire wall appeared, blocking off the Mimes. They were shocked by the fire wall, some nearly got burned by the wall. *


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