Returning the miraculous, heading back to lunch, and end of lunch break

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At the Private school courtyard, behind a tree, Ladybug met up with Ryuko. 

Ryuko: Longg, open sky! *She de-transforms, Longg hovered in front of Kagami, and Kagami handed Ladybug the miraculous back. * 

Kagami: Thank you, Ladybug

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Kagami: Thank you, Ladybug.

Ladybug: You're welcome, Kagami. Bug out! *She sprouted her wings and flew away, Kagami grabbed her stuff from the courtyard, and headed back to class. At College Francoise DuPont, Pegasus hides in the janitor's closet and Ladybug goes after him. *

Pegasus: Kaalki, dismount! *He de-transform and Kaalki hovers in front of him, he takes off the miraculous, and hands the small box back to Ladybug. *

Max: Thank you, Ladybug

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Max: Thank you, Ladybug.

Ladybug: You're welcome, Max. Bug out! *She leaves the janitor's closet as Max leaves too. Then, she met Minotaurox in the Library. *

Minotaurox: Stompp, way back! *He de-transforms and Stompp hovers in front of him. He then returned the small box to Ladybug. * 

Ivan: Thank you, Ladybug

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Ivan: Thank you, Ladybug.

Ladybug: You're welcome, Ivan. Bug out. *She leaves the library, flies out of the school building, and Ivan leaves the library and heads back to the cafeteria. *

Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now