Heroes vs Reverser part 2

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Meanwhile, Ladybug and Caprikid landed on the streets and they see Reverser at the Eiffel Tower, the others tried to hold him off and try to get the Akuma without getting affected by his paper planes.

Ladybug: There he is.

Caprikid: So, what's the plan?

Ladybug: We'll have to get the book he's standing on without getting affected by the paper planes he's throwing out.

Caprikid: I never fought someone like this before.

Ladybug: You're not in this alone. Come on. *They run towards them. Bloom, Tecna, and Layla scowled at Reverser. *

Bloom: Fire arrow! *She fires out a beam of fire energy at Reverser, but Reverser evades the fire blast. *

Tecna: Mega watt! *She shoots out a neon green energy beam at Reverser, but Reverser evades that blast too

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Tecna: Mega watt! *She shoots out a neon green energy beam at Reverser, but Reverser evades that blast too. *

Layla: Morphix wave! *She shoots out a deep pink Morphix beam at Reverser, he almost fell off his book board

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Layla: Morphix wave! *She shoots out a deep pink Morphix beam at Reverser, he almost fell off his book board. *

Reverser: That's it

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Reverser: That's it. You've outdone your battle. *He threw out three paper planes, the girls get out their defense shields and blocked off the paper planes, but the paper planes went over them, and they were affected by the paper planes. *

Bloom: Uh-oh.

Layla: Quick, get them off before he...

Reverser: Too late. Reversion! *He snapped his fingers. The fire fairy, you're not very confident for a fairy. You're rather a chicken. Technology fairy, you're dumb thinking you know everything. And wave fairy, you're isolated and alone without a care in the world. *Soon, the paper planes affected them and the girls exclaimed. *

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