Eavsdropping, trip to the principal's office, second period, and deliveries

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On the streets, Melanie stopped the car at Societe Du Pont 12 rue de la Gare.

On the streets, Melanie stopped the car at Societe Du Pont 12 rue de la Gare

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Melanie: (looking at the building) Okay, that looks like the place. *She looked over at the address the cake is being delivered to. * Yep, that looks like the place. *She put the car into parked, turned the ignition off, stepped out of the van while holding the cake, closed the door, and walked inside the building. * Okay, what floor does she live in? *She looked at the order info on the box. * Okay, floor 3, door C. *She walked to the nearest elevator, pressed the up button which made the elevator doors open, she stepped inside, and she pressed the number 3 button. * Okay, going up to the third floor. *The elevator doors closed, then went up to the third floor. Just then, the elevator went ding, the doors opened, and she walked out. She looked around until she saw the door: 3C. * This is the door, she ringed the doorbell, and waited for Melinda to open the door. *

Melinda: (through the door) Who is it?

Melanie: Melanie from Tom and Sabine Boulangerie Patiserrie. I have your cake. *The door opened and Melinda saw the box. *

Melinda: Oh thank you. *She takes the box from Melinda. * Here you go. *She handed Melanie the money for the cake. *

Melanie: (count off the money) 10-euros. Thank you, ma'am. Hope you and everyone else enjoy the cake.

Melinda: Oh we will, thank you. *She closed the door as Melanie walked back to the elevator, pressed the down button which made the elevator go ding, and the doors opened. * 

Melanie: That was fast. *She stepped inside the elevator, then pressed the number 1 button, the doors closed, and she headed down to the lobby floor. Back at College Francois DuPont, in the bathroom cubicle stall, Sabrina kept crying in the stall when she heard voices in the bathroom. She wiped her tears and sniffed as she took a peek through the door and saw who was outside. *

Mariah: My parents and I went to Versailles to see my grandparents over the weekend.

Samantha: (putting on lip gloss) I bet that was a fun trip.

Mariah: (putting on mascara) It was okay. You know how my grandparents are whenever my family and I come visit them.

Brittany: Your grandparents still got the inheritance in mind?

Mariah: Yeah. They put our names on the will, we'll probably have to split the inheritance in three ways. Trayvon would probably use it for his college fund, I'll use it for personal reasons, and my younger sister would use it when she gets older so my parents would probably put it into a trust fund.

Brittany: Sounds like you got a little future planned ahead.

Mariah: (closing up her mascara, fixing her hair) You could say that. But that's not the case. Onto more pressing matters, what can we do about Chloe?

Janelle: The daughter of the Mayor?

Mariah: Yes, her. *In the stall, Sabrina's eyes were wide open, she quietly pulled her phone out and recorded the audio. * She thinks she rules this school because she's popular and cause her daddy is the Mayor. Well, the jokes on her, I have the upper hand. My father is the school board superintendent. He put his funds in this trash heap you call a school, I'm on to her little mischief little life. One more slip up from her and she'll have the downfall of her life and not even her "daddy" will pull any strings to get her out of trouble. No matter how much he begs Mr. Damocles or my uncle about this. 

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