Going to delivery routes, bakery shift, and working on percent of a number

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At Saint-Jacques Public Elementary School, in Ms. Myers' class, Ms. Myers got through with attendance in her class, she put the sheet aside and she'll take it to the principal's office later on, and she walked to the front of the class and faced everyone.

Ms. Myers: Okay, now that everyone's here. Let's get started on learning, shall we? *Everyone said yes to Ms. Myers. * Good. You all have done with your cursive writing skill, I know cursive writing can be difficult to do by your certain age, but don't worry. This is only the beginning, because I thought about setting up a little writing assignment for you all. Try to guess what it is.

Peyton: Are we writing a story?

Ms. Myers: Yes, Peyton. We will be writing a story. *A few students exclaimed and smiled about that. * Now before I tell you all what you are writing your story on, I want to show you all the types of stories people write whether online, books, or newspapers that you see your parents read. *She goes to the computer, plug the cord to the projector, and she closes the window blinds. * Can someone get the lights?

Ivan: (raised his hand) I'll do it.

Ms. Myers: Thank you, Ivan. *Ivan walked to the light switch, flipped the switch off, and he sits back down in his seat. * There are many types of stories, including those based on plot, genre, and style. The first thing is Plot. Plot is some common plot types include "rags to riches", "overcoming the monster", "the quest", "voyage/journey and return", "rebirth", "tragedy", and "comedy". In "rags to riches" stories, the main character starts out in a low position and undergoes a significant change, often involving power, status, or wealth. Sometimes some stories have a plot twist, something unexpected when you at least expect it. *Some students oohed at that. * Cinderella, Slumdog Millionaire, and The Pursuit of Happiness are all examples of this plot type.

Leah: I know what story I'm gonna write.

Maddie: Same.

Ms. Myers: Next is Genre. Genre is stories can also be categorized by genre, such as fiction, nonfiction, drama, or poetry. Fiction subgenres include historical fiction, science fiction, fantasy, and realistic fiction. Nonfiction subgenres include autobiography, biography, informational writing, and persuasive writing. Drama can include comedies and tragedies.

Ivan: (raised his hand) What kind of plot twist, Ms. Myers?

Ms.Myers: The king died and the queen died of grief. 'The king died, and then the queen died of grief' is a plot. The time sequence is preserved, but the sense of causality overshadows it.

Ivan: Oh.

Ms. Myers: Finally is style. Style is stories that can also be categorized by style, such as short stories, novellas, and epics.

Melanie: (raised her hand) What's the difference?

Ms. Myers: Short stories are fictional literary compositions that can be written in prose or poetry and are shorter than a novel. Novellas are fictional prose narratives that are relatively long and can have a complex plot or pattern of events. Epics are long narrative poems that are written in a dignified style and are about the deeds of a traditional or historical hero.

Howie: Wow.

Chris: (to Timmy, Ella, and Etta) This could be fun.

Ms. Myers: Ivan, could you get the lights?

Ivan: Okay. *He stands up, turns the lights back on, Ms. Myers turns the projector off, and he opens the blinds. *

Ms. Myers: So, you all want to write your own story? *Everyone answered yes to Ms. Myers. * Okay. I would like a volunteer to pass out a sheet of paper.

Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now