First Geography lesson, first drama lesson, Hotel work, and call from Rolland

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At College Francoise DuPont, in Mr. Thomas' class, Mr. Thomas gets out a box of the Geography textbooks for the class for textbook check out, Juleka, Mylene, Rose, and Ivan walked inside the classroom before the bell ringed.

Alya: Phew, made it.

Marinette: What's up?

Alya: I'll tell you later. *Then, the bell ringed as Gabriel and Tyler ran inside the classroom. *

Gabriel: Barely made it.

Mr. Thomas: Yes, boys. I'll let this one slide this time. But please get here on time.

Tyler: Okay.

Gabriel: Sorry.

Mr. Thomas: Good morning, everyone. You know what we have planned for today? *No one answered. * Okay, I'll tell you. We're gonna be checking out Geography textbooks. Here's what it looks like. *He pulled out the Geography textbooks and showed it to everyone in the classroom. *

Lucas: Cross off textbook number 2 off the list of textbooks in my classes

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Lucas: Cross off textbook number 2 off the list of textbooks in my classes.

Mr. Thomas: Now, before we get started on our first lesson, I would like to get started on the textbook check-out. So, if you all would kindly stand up, stand in a single file line at my desk, so we can do the textbook check out. The sooner we get the check-out done, the sooner we can get started on our lesson, okay? *Everyone said okay to Mr. Thomas. * Good. Now, kindly stand up and stand in a single file line, please? *Everyone stand up from their seats and goes along with the textbook check-out. * Here you go, Nino.

Nino: Thank you. *He sits back down. *

Mr. Thomas: Here you go, Nicole.

Nicole: Thank you. *She takes her book and sits back down in her seat. *

Mr. Thomas: Here you go, Ivan.

Ivan: Thank you. *He takes his book and sits back down in his seat. In Ms. Miller's drama class, Ms. Miller goes through the attendance roster before she starts the lesson. *


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Ms. Miller: Good morning, everyone. I hope you all have a good second day of school so far. *Some answered, while some did not. * Well, you know the saying goes, "the second day's never bad as the first." So, we're gonna do attendance before we get started on our first drama lesson. *She grabs a clipboard and clicked her black pen. * When I call your name, say here or present, if you prefer. *She cleared her throat. * Taylor Andrews?

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