Heroes vs Hive Mind

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On the streets, people were fleeing away from the swarm of bugs buzzing all over the place by Hive Mind. Hive Mind smirked and looked at the panic in the city.

Hive Mind: Now comes the best part: putting these people into my mindless zombie minions. *He raised his cane up, but then a yo-yo was thrown out and knocked the cane  out of his hands. * Huh? *Soon, the yo-yo was retracted back to Ladybug. * Who did that? *He looked and saw Ladybug and the other heroes. *

White Fang: Call the pests off before we swat you like the bug you are.

Hive Mind: Never! No one will ever stop me: Hive Mind! Young people don't appreciate the life of insects saying they're ugly, gross, and boring. Well I'm gonna show them how fascinating bugs can be.

Ladybug: And mind if I ask how are you gonna do that?

Hive Mind: Like this. *He picked up his cane and raised it up in the air. * All my insects, commence my army! *The swarm of bugs started stinging and biting the citizens and turning them into mindless zombies while Hive Mind smirked evilly. *

Ladybug: What are you doing to these people?

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Ladybug: What are you doing to these people?

Hive Mind: I turned them into my mindless zombies, they'll listen to what I say, and do what I tell them to do. And the first thing I'll tell them is getting your miraculous.

Leo: Not gonna happen!

Hive Mind: Very well then. My army will have to take them form you by force. Attack, my subjects! *The mindless zombies started charging towards them. *

Eagle: (twirling her bullroarer) How do we deal with this walking cockroach?

Bloom: Ladybug, we'll keep the people who are in mind control busy, you deal with Hive Mind.

Ladybug: Okay, Bloom. Let's go! *The Miraculous heroes charge towards Hive Mind as the Winxs, Lovelixs, Olixs, Majorixs, Regalixs, and the Specialists charge and hold off the mind control zombies. Hive Mind saw them charging towards him. *

Hive Mind: Oh, you wanna fight, huh? Well I'll give you a fight. *He points his cane out. * Butterfly swarm! *He unleashed a swarm of Butterflies and they start flying all over them. *


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