End of Zoom class, Anarka's cake pickup, and class lectures

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Outside of the street: 1 Rue de Pontoise, 75005 Paris, France outside of the Luxury Penthouse in Paris Notre Dame, Shang stepped out of the van, holding a strawberry Swiss roll cake, he stopped at the front door where the delivery is being placed at.

Shang: Okay, this looks like the address. *He knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer the door. Then, the door knob turned and the door opened. *

Female resident: Hello?

Shang: Hello, are you the one who ordered the strawberry Swiss roll cake?

Female resident: (taking the strawberry swiss roll cake) Yes, I did. It's for my daughter. 

Shang: I hope she enjoys them

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Shang: I hope she enjoys them.

Female resident: Thank you, she will. And here's 10-euros.

Shang: (taking the 10-euros) Thank you. *He put the money in his pocket, the female resident closed the door, and Shang walked back to the van then drove back to the Bakery. * That was easy. Wonder what other delivery route I'll do next. In the bakery, Sabine put a watermelon cupcake in a small box, and placed it on the counter. * 

Sabine: Here's your cupcake, ma'am

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Sabine: Here's your cupcake, ma'am.

Female customer: (taking the box) Thank you. *She leaves the bakery with her cupcake. Then, the phone rang, she picked up the receiver, and talked into it. * 

Sabine: Tom and Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie, how can I help you? Oh, hi Anarka. Yeah, we got the cake all ready to go. Just come by and pick it up. Okay, thank you. *She hung up the phone and in front of her, the door opened and a small line (three people) started coming into the bakery. *

Mushu: Is it lunch yet?

Sabine: Another 20 minutes.

Mushu: Okay. *Soon, Mulan stepped out with the cake box. * 

Sabine: Right on time, Anarka is on her way.

Mulan: Okay. You'll just give it to her when she gets here.

Sabine: Perfect. Hello, how can I help you? *In Marin's room, Marin put in the last response to his English work. *

Marin: There. All done. *He logged off of Canvas, closed his laptop, and get up from his chair. * Glad that's over. *He raised his arms up and stretched too. * What time is it? *He looked at the time on his phone. * 11:20, it's lunch time. I'll be right back, guys. 

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