Tar monster aftermath, back to lunch, end of lunchtime, and back to work

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After a battle with the Tar Monster, Ladybug met up with Queen Bee, she de-transformed and handed Ladybug the Bee miraculous back, Alya and Nino, they both de-transform, then take their miraculous off, and handed them back to Ladybug, Ryuko de-transform and Kagami handed the Dragon miraculous back, Luka take off the Snake miraculous off and handed it back to Ladybug, Max handed her the Horse miraculous, King Monkey de-transform back to Kim, and he handed the Monkey miraculous back to Ladybug, Alix handed Ladybug back the Rabbit miraculous, then Mylene with the Mouse miraculous, Rose with the Pig miraculous, Juleka with the Tiger miraculous, Sabrina handed the Dog miraculous back to Ladybug, Rooster Bold de-transform back to Marc, he handed the Rooster miraculous back to Ladybug, Nathaniel handed the Goat miraculous back to Ladybug, then Ivan with the Ox miraculous, and Felix handed the Black Cat miraculous back to Ladybug.

Ladybug: (putting the black cat miraculous in her yo-yo) Thank you, Felix.

Felix: You're welcome, Ladybug. Thanks again for trusting me. It's not easy earning everyone's trust these days.

Ladybug: Things like this takes time and trust me, the people you ever wronged will be able to trust you again.

Felix: Let's hope so.

Ladybug: (throwing her yo-yo) Bug out! *She swings away, Felix uses the remote, and closes the window. In Master Fu's house, Marinette handed Master Fu the miraculous, and Master Fu put the Turtle miraculous back on, which made Wayzz appear. *

Master Fu: Thank you, Marinette.

Marinette: You're welcome, Master Fu. *She checked her phone and looked at the time. * Better get back to school. Lunch is over in 10 minutes. See you later, Master. *Tikki goes back in Marinette's purse, she leaves his house, and Master Fu put the miracle box back in the phonograph. *

Master Fu: They save the day again.

Back at College Francoise DuPont in the cafeteria, Marinette and the others came back after the fight with the Tar Monster, they were talking and finishing up their lunches.

Alya: That was something.

Nino: Was it though?

Alya: Yeah, with the Tar Monster. *She eats the last of her fish sticks and Nino eat some more of his baked ziti. *

Nino: Too bad you didn't get any action before.

Alya: Hey, part of being a superhero is getting in on the action. You should know that.

Nino: (holding  a cup of iced tea) True. *He drinks some. * Do you know what you're gonna get for Juleka tomorrow?

Alya: I'm getting her a makeup kit. *She eats some of her blueberry yogurt parfait. * What about you?

Nino: A pair of headphones so she can listen to music.

Alya: She'll love that. 

Jordan: (moving his cookie around) Glad that was over.

Lucas: (moving his fork around) Yeah, that Tar Monster was tough to beat. *He eats some of his baked ziti. *

Marinette: Just hope we won't have to deal with anything more than that.

Jessica: Think we'll get more villains before the day ends.

Bridgette: (drinking some sparkling water) Is that even a question?

Marinette: (throwing away her trash) Hopefully we'll deal with someone or something much easier and not a hassle like all the other battles we dealt with. *

Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now