Chapter One

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Lexie Donnington was a superstar. She began her career at the tender age of 7 in a drama series on Tv, before working her way into the music industry becoming a teenage pop star, then turned movie star. Countless awards later in the music, film and Tv industry, she found herself aged 32 with nothing much of a love life. Although she loved her life and was eternally grateful for her career, she had sacrificed a lot for it. Growing up an only child in the spotlight as her father, a Tv presenter and her mother working behind the scenes in Tv. They often reminded her that the public eye wasn't all it seemed. Lexie is determined to find love, after all she is a hopeless romantic and the string of relationships she had been though in her twenties ended in heartbreak, but they've not put her off that dream.

Chapter One

The 32 year old brunette was in the back of the chauffeur driven car heading to a table read for a movie she had been offered the lead role in. The lead actor had changed a number of times and she had been assured by the director on his last phone call that they had found the one and she would meet him today. She quickly breezed through her notes, before reapplying some lip gloss as the car pulled up to the offices. "Call me when you need me Miss Donnington." "Sure thing Carl, thanks." Lexie jumped out the car, and headed straight into the lobby. She was thankful no press had followed her from her house. "Hi I'm Lexie Donnington, I am here for the table read." Although growing up in the public eye she was humble, kind and never expected to be treated any differently. "We know who you are." The snooty middle aged woman said. "Board room 5." Lexie nodded, she was slightly taken aback by the lady's rude attitude but headed off down the corridor to the room. She gently knocked on the door and was called in. "Lexie, darling, hello, welcome!" She was greeted by the over familiar producer. "It's so good to see you, come on in." He kissed her on both cheeks before keeping hold of her for a moment too long, making her feel slightly uncomfortable. "How are you Simon?" "Oh very well thank you. Glad to get this project on the road, come meet everyone." She went round the room and greeted the director who she had met at the audition and had spoken to multiple times on the phone, his name was Chris. "So lovely to see you again." She said as she made small talk with him before moving on to some others that were gathered drinking coffee.

Before long Lexie found a spot at the large table to sit at, she dumped her bag, got out her script with her carefully written notes on it and sat down. She knew she was being slightly unsociable but this was the first time they were due to run through the entire script and she didn't want to mess it up. She always had moments where she doubted herself. Was she only getting jobs because of who her father was? Was it because she had done that slightly risqué movie franchise a few years ago, who knew, but what she did know was she had to prove to the world she was capable, it was a part of who she was. Lexie was disturbed by her thoughts by a handsome chiselled man walking into the room she noticed he was flanked by two men. The man wore a rather quirky looking outfit, he had a white crisp shirt on, with a waistcoat, black jeans and many accessories hanging from his belt loops. It was then Lexie noticed the man had two belts on. Odd, she thought but each to their own. His face was shielded by large sunglasses. The two men accompanying him, looked equally as handsome, one clearly looked like a security guard with a dark suit framing his muscular build, the other donned shades, a nice shirt and jeans. The group immediately approached the director, "Chris so good to see you again." Lexie recognised the voice, where did she know that voice from? Was this the lead actor? "This is my pal Stephen and you know Sean. I was hoping Stephen could sit in on today?" "Sure thing, take a seat we haven't started yet." The actor turned and scanned the room seeing everyone was seated already, he held his hands up "I am so sorry I'm late, I promise I'm working on this." He made his way round the room to the vacant seat next to Lexie, he lowered his sunglasses and looked the brunette in the eye "'May I?" "Oh please of course." The man sat down and pulled off his glasses, he sat back in the chair with one leg stretched out, the other bent with that foot resting on his thigh. He looked effortlessly cool, and Lexie was struggling to remain calm next to such a handsome guy, "I'm Johnny by the way." He held out his hand to which Lexie delicately shook it "As in Depp?" She asked like a typical fan girl. "The very one." "Wow, hi I'm Lexie Donnington, it's a honour to meet you." He blushed looking down and said "The honour is all mine. You've taken the world by storm, my daughter is a huge fan and so am I." This made Lexie smile. "thank you, I really appreciate you saying that." Johnny smiled before looking at Lexie's script on the table, she could tell he was nervous and concerned. "Did you forget yours?" She whispered and he nodded "I have a lot going on right now." "We can share." Lexie smiled pushing the script along the desk so it was now residing in the middle of them both. Johnny smiled "You're an Angel." Lexie blushed before opening the first page. "Ok so the idea is we will run through it once, everyone take notes, and then afterwards we will discuss and open it to change and amendment. All ok?" Said the director loudly. Lexie nodded and Johnny replied "Sure thing." Before he began rolling cigarettes.

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