Chapter Twenty Seven

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The night went on, drinks were aplenty, and an old vinyl player in the corner provided sweet background music to the entertaining evening. Gradually the group had spread over nearby couches and chairs looking over the skyline, some of the guys were smoking cigars close to the open balcony doors but none had actually ventured out fully yet. Probably afraid of missing the fun Lexie thought to herself.

"So what's your plan for Christmas Lexie?" Gina asked from beside her. "Christmas is huge for me, both me and my Dad work usually right up until early December so for as long as I can remember we would always wait until Dad had wrapped whatever he was working on to get the tree. This year Mum and Dad are hosting everyone, both my mum's family and my Dad's so it will be carnage, I think there is going to be around 24 of us! We always have a friends Christmas too that me and the girls organise, that's on the 10th. We do the full lot, Christmas dinner, gifts and games and all stay at each others." "That's so cute! Wow. We are going to Stephen's folks this year and then will be with Johnny in Paris from the 27th for New Year's" "That sounds fun, I love Paris." "What's your plan for new year's?" "Annual party. Every year my parents say it's the last one but it never is, they get a huge marquee in the garden, a pop up bar, entertainers, it's crazy." "Nice." "Yeah this year's theme is suited and booted so full on glam dressing up which I love."

It got to the early hours, and Alice sat down on the couch opposite Lexie. "So Lexie, you said your parents are in the industry?" "Well yeah TV, nothing like you guys." "How do you mean?" "Oh I just mean, my Dad works mainly for a UK Tv network. He's been in a golden handcuff deal for a few years now." "Wow, so he's a presenter?" "Yeah, has been for about twenty plus years." "Christ, must be a legend in the business." "Yeah kind of, he's tried all sorts. He started off acting in a kids Tv show when he was 16 then he went to London to try and find more work, he met my mum at an audition for a band, she got in, he didn't, then he worked on various shows for a while before being offered a kids Saturday morning show, he worked there for four years before he was offered a prime time evening show to present. The rest is history." "Wow, and where do you come into it?" Sheryl asked. "Oh well, my mum and Dad met when they were 17. I umm was a bit of a surprise, my mum had me just before her 21st birthday, my Dad had just turned 22. She gave up her music career, and moved in with him and his best friend in London to raise me." "Gosh, that must have been hard." "Yeah they worked super hard to make it happen, a lot of people didn't think they would make it work but it did." "So your parents are young ish then?" "Yes, we've grown up together practically, they didn't marry until I was 10." "Oh sweet." "And you don't have any siblings?" "Umm no, actually not for want of trying, sadly it just didn't work out for them, it affected my dad quite badly, I think they were both so desperate to have a child under normal circumstances, and not have to worry but life didn't work that way. They feel extremely guilty about the start of my childhood." Lexie was shocked at how open she was being but she trusted these people and the wine helped. "They shouldn't feel guilty, look at the woman you've become, they should be incredibly proud." Johnny said startling Lexie. She hadn't been aware the entire room had been listening to her. "I agree. You're a phenomenal woman, they should be so happy and proud of you." Lexie blushed thanking them all for their kind comments.

An hour later, Lexie heard Alice "John, I forgot to tell you, we've been invited to a lot of major music events next year. Grammy's, The Brits the lot, you'll come right? We can't show up as a band with you missing.." "Do I have to?" Johnny replied. "Yes we know you hate the press but come on it will be such good promotion." "Ok fine, Send Christi the dates. I'll make it work." Alice slapped his pal on the back before walking off. Johnny approached Lexie "Doll, it's 3am. Shall we make a move?" "Gosh yes. I have a flight to catch tomorrow, well today." Lexie giggled.

After donning her coat and saying their goodbyes with a promise to stay in touch with them all, Lexie was guided down to Johnny's waiting car. As they drove back to The Anderson's house Lexie turned to Johnny "Thank you so much for inviting me this evening. I had a good time." "Me too darling, I loved having you there." Lexie smiled. "What time is your flight again?" Johnny asked. "Not until late. 10:05pm." "Ah not too bad then" "no it should be fine. Hopefully it's quiet and dark and I won't get recognised." "Until you land, hopefully the fuckers don't know when you're due home." "Hopefully not." "By the way Johnny, you really should go to The Grammys and The Brits.." "oh yeah, why is that?" "Because I'll be performing there." "Well then I simply must attend."

They pulled into The Anderson driveway and drove the short distance to the house. Johnny immediately jumped out the car and held his hand out to Lexie to help her climb out too. He didn't let go of her as he led her the short distance round to the front door. "Well my darling, I guess this is goodbye for now." "I guess so." Lexie said sadly. "Call me tomorrow before you fly?" Johnny asked. "Sure." "Thank you Johnny. Not just for this evening, but for an incredible month." "Don't thank me, I did nothing." "You did so much more than nothing." Johnny lent in and kissed the woman. His new favourite thing to do was kiss her. He didn't care how forward he was being, especially when she reacted like she did. He wrapped his arms round her hugging her close. "Safe trip doll, and I'll do my very best to visit before the year is out ok?" Lexie nodded, sad that her fairytale was coming to an end. She gently pulled away and began to put the key in the door "Goodnight Johnny." "Dream of me Lexie."

The brunette entered the house quietly kicking off her heels. She carried them in her hand as she headed into the kitchen, she was startled to see the mood lighting was still on and two figures sat at the island. "Jesus fucking Christ. You scared me!" Lexie whispered rather loudly. Gary and Ava paused their conversation, "See Gaz, she's fine! I told you she would be?" "Ava, she is on my watch, Tom and Lizzie  would have my balls if they knew I had let her stay out until nearly 4am." Lexie smiled "Gaz, I'm a grown woman, sometimes at home I stay out all night!" The man in question rolled his eyes. "Jesus christ I hope you don't plan to teach my little Becky your ways!" Lexie laughed loudly as she got a bottle of water out the fridge. "Anyway, how was your last night?" Ava asked. "Amazing, we had dinner at one of Alice's lofts, it's seriously one of the most coolest places I've been too. The food was amazing too." "Nice.. I'm glad you had fun but if you excuse me, I wanna get some sleep!" Ava said wandering over and kissing Lexie's head and heading out to the hall and up the stairs. "Yeah we should get to bed too you little stop out." Gaz joked. "Especially if you still want me to treat you to breakfast tomorrow." "Gaz. It's tradition!! You always take me for breakfast on my last day in LA!"

At Sweetzer, Johnny was undressing, he seemed to get distracted quite quickly when Gina sent the photos of the evening to his phone. He had unbuttoned his shirt and had kicked off his shoes whilst sitting on the bed scrolling through. He loved how Gina captured such natural shots, she really was very talented. He stopped at the second to last photo, it was of him and Lexie sat on the sofa, his arm was loosely draped across the back of the chesterfield couch, Lexie looked as elegant as ever with her glass of champagne in her hand. They looked like they were the only ones on the room the way they were staring at one another. Johnny immediately saved it to his phone before he scrolled onto the next one. This was just a photo of Lexie from the back, she was stood staring out at the skyline, Gina had captured the twinkling lights of the city as well as Lexie's silhouette, it was stunning. He saved that too before deciding to send it to her.

I hope your last night in LA lived up to expectations. I'm honoured you chose to spend it with me and my crooners. Thought you might like this. Captured by Gina. Sweet dreams my love xxx

My last night in LA was a dream. Thank you. That's a beautiful photo, I'll be sure to thank her. Goodnight Mr Depp xxxx

The next day went by so fast, after a casual breakfast with Gary, they returned to the house, and Lexie gathered her belongings. One of the things she hated about night flights was the hanging around. Her parents had been messaging lots, and so had her friends, she was ready to head home, she was excited to get back and get ready for Christmas. On the other hand she was exceptionally sad to be leaving Johnny when things were only just beginning.

Happy Friday. Although it would be significantly happier, if you were not leaving the country. America will be a little less pretty without you here. Xxx

Oh stop. With all these gorgeous women right here in LA? You won't miss me for one second. Xxxx

Oh I will, in fact, I miss you right now. Xxx

Really? Xxx

Yes. Xxxx

I miss you too. Xxx

You know Sweetzer Avenue is fairly close to LAX? In fact I'm pretty sure you have to drive past it to get to the airport from Hidden Hills. Xxx

What are you suggesting? Xx

One last coffee before you go? Xxxx

You're on. Xxx

Swing by at 5? Xxx

It would be my pleasure. Xxx

No my darling, the pleasure is all mine. Xxx

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