Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen

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The Hollywood Vampires tour had been underway for just over a week. It was always Johnny's plan to have his wife present for it, but now he barely let her out his sight knowing she was carrying his child. They had managed to keep their secret fairly well, and were looking forward to the 12 week scan early next month. Most nights they were residing in luxury hotels but on the odd occasion when dates were back to back they all resided on the tour bus which was somewhat amusing. Tonight was no different, as they piled on and the band waved goodbye to the crowds that had gathered.

Lexie immediately walked to the kitchenette and put the kettle on. Alice, and Joe were tea total and as she was abstaining from drinking, it had become an evening ritual for the three of them to enjoy tea together. Being a performer herself, she knew how well you had to look after your voice on tour, so often enjoyed making up hot lemon and honey drinks for the guys. Johnny immediately wrapped his arms round her from behind and kissed her cheek. "John for the love of god. Not tonight... not when I'm lying mere inches away from you!" Tommy said chuckling. "Somehow I don't think anything will happen Tommy.. what with us being in single bunk beds." Lexie giggled pouring the hot water into the mugs. "Kinky." Joe chuckled from his spot on the makeshift couch. Lexie giggled before she handed out the drinks "Great show again guys. I sent some photos to Sheryl, Sandra and Billie. They loved them!" She said sitting down.

The group soon settled down, and were chatting, laughing and reminiscing. Lexie felt so honoured these guys never minded her presence and were so welcoming to her. She was glad Johnny had these pals in his life. "I'm sorry to be a party pooper but I'm heading to bed." She said standing after an hour or two. She knew the lads were buzzing from coming off stage and Johnny rarely slept more than four hours at a time anyway. She kissed Johnny softly on the lips which earned wolf whistles and cat calls from the band members, even though they had done this on every other night they had stayed on the bus. "Woah woah, do I not get a goodnight kiss and cuddle?" Tommy giggled, he really was like an older brother to her even though there was significant age gap. "Oh for fuck sake..." Lexie giggled making a song and dance of kissing him on the cheek and hugging him. She ruffled his hair before moving on to Alice, and Joe. "Right happy boys? I'm going to bed!!" She giggled heading to the back of the bus. Johnny began rolling a cigarette as soon as she left and sat back. "She's a great woman John." Alice said noticing his pal still watching the spot where his wife had been. "She is. She's the best." Johnny replied. "She's my world." He continued before lighting his cigarette. "You know she should record something with us." Joe said, "what?" Johnny said shocked, "Well she's got a powerful enough voice. How cool would that collab be?" Alice said. "I'm sure she would love it but she's not exactly known for her rock stuff." "Yeah but when you're that talented you can sing anything." Tommy said grabbing another drink. Johnny sat back proudly smiling.

The next morning came around quickly, and Lexie woke in her bottom bunk. Johnny had opted for the top mainly out of chivalry but also because he didn't want his pregnant wife climbing up, however since injuring his ankle, he was on the opposite bottom bunk. Tommy usually slept above her but as she quietly climbed out of bed, she spotted his sheets thrown back. She knew immediately he was awake, as they were both early risers and had bumped into each other a few times already in the early mornings on the bus. Luckily she had opted to sleep in loungewear due to the lack of privacy on the bus and grabbed a cardigan before quietly heading to the front, where the living area was. She found Tommy making coffee as she closed the door to the bedroom area. "Good Morning." He whispered. "Morning T. How did you sleep?" "Fine apart from your fucking husband's snoring!!" Lexie giggled "To be honest I'm so used to it now I almost find it comforting but Alice and Joe are a whole other story. Hence the headphones.." she made herself a cup of tea and they sat on the couch besides one another. "Another day." She said cheerfully. "Yep. Another day. Another date. So buzzing for this festival." "Me too!! It's gonna be epic! Gary is performing there as well I'm looking forward to catching up with him." Lexie said sipping her tea. Tommy got up and wandered to the very front before slipping behind a curtain and speaking with the driver. Lexie took this time to grab her little holdall that was in one of the storage cubby's and grabbed her skincare. She began doing it as Tommy headed back to the couch. "What is that stuff?" He said pointing to the small bottle. "It's serum. It's got vitamin c in it." "What does it do?" "Don't laugh.. but I don't actually know! Brightens the skin I think. My dermatologist recommended it and my mum swears that vitamin c is the new trend at the moment." Tommy smirked "I love how fucking normal you are." He picked up another small bottle. "And this?" "That's SPF" "but its tiny. How can you use that sunscreen? Maybe you can because your body is tiny but Jesus that won't even cover my arms!" "It's for your face you idiot." Lexie giggled. "And it's a travel bottle. You know we are on a bus. My suitcases are travelling in the trucks alongside yours.." "oh yeah I see." Lexie rolled her eyes as he pulled out his phone. "I'm gonna go live and check in with the fans. Wanna join?" "Oh I don't think they'll want to see me.." "Come off it! Most of them ask for Johnny anyway so seeing you will probably settle them!" Lexie reluctantly agreed and straightened her cardigan and vest top, from the waist up she just looked make up free and casually dressed, thank god the world of social media couldn't see her loungewear bottoms.
"Hello everyone.... Tommy here. I'm somewhere in Germany heading to the next location. Just thought I would check in..... Hello Italy! Oh Hi HollywoodVampiresBigfan04.... how is Johnny's foot? He's doing well, his boot is like a magic boot, well so he tells us. Talking of Johnny... look who's here." Tommy turned the phone towards Lexie. "Hi." She waved slightly blushing. "So we are the only ones awake after last night's epic performance..., thought we could do a Q&A... send your questions in!!"

A few minutes later Lexie was giggling away at some of Tommy's answers. "Oh here's one Lex.. from Mia in Madrid.. I saw a photo of you the other night at one of the concerts. You had a black and white skirt on.. I love it, where is it from? Really?? Fashion?? It's so early to be talking about fashion!" Tommy chuckled before Lexie smiled "Oh, wow, if it's the one I am thinking of, it's from a little boutique in Covent Garden called Ruby's. I've had it years though!" Tommy smiled and continued scrolling through the questions. "Oh and another.. who's the best member of the Hollywood Vampires Lexie?" He smirked. "Oh god don't make me choose. Obviously I only have eyes for one, but they are all amazing." She giggled. "Ok and final one... would you ever get up on stage with the Vampires?" Lexie blushed "Oh god, I could never rock with you legends. I'm happy being the groupie!" She giggled before Tommy turned the camera to him and said farewell to his followers. Lexie got up and began making another round of coffee as Tommy ended the live. "Driver says we will be at a service spot in just over an hour. Do you think the boys will want brekkie?" "I know Johnny will. He barely ate last night."

An hour later, the band sleepily and wearily climbed off the bus and headed into the service station that was quiet due to it being early morning, Johnny took Lexie's hand as they walked. "You ok doll?" He whispered. "Yeah just feel a little off colour." "Morning sickness?" He whispered. She nodded before pushing her sunglasses off her face and heading to the coffee shop. As she ordered she was overcome with nausea and quickly nodded to Johnny as she rushed off to the toilets, luckily not many of the guys had noticed her sudden departure.

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