Chapter Sixty Two

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Arriving at Johnny's French estate should have been an extremely exciting time for Lexie, she had heard so much about the place and was eager to see it but something clouded her head. An anxiety and niggling feeling that she couldn't shift. Well she could shift, if she was brave enough, but for the past 4 days she had been burying her head in the sand desperately trying to ignore the burning question in her mind. They had woken up cuddled up together in the large bed in the master of the main house. He had departed with a kiss and a promise of breakfast being made shortly. As she sat on the edge of the bed playing with her hands she knew she had to sort this mess out once and for all. As she stood, there was a knock on the door. "Lexie can I come in?" It was Lily. "Sure thing darling." Lexie tightened her satin robe as the teen walked in, "all ok?" The woman asked. "Yeah well I have this ZIT the size of Jack on my chin, can you help? Should I squeeze it?" Lexie smiled "Sure thing. And absolutely not. It might scar if you do that, and anyway it will take longer to heal." Lexie grabbed her skincare from the dresser "Try this. It's tea tree so should reduce the redness and soothe the swelling." She dabbed a bit onto her finger and applied it to Lily's face, "And come back to me tonight we can put some overnight stuff on it I have. It should go in a few days. Just remember plenty of water too. That will help." Lexie smiled and hugged Lexie as Johnny walked into the room with a mug of coffee. "Is everything ok?" He asked concerned. "yep just a teenager fighting a spot the size of her brother." Lexie giggled. "Thank you Lex." Lily said before wandering out "No problem darling." "Breakfast will be ready in a minute, are you set darling?" Johnny said. "Umm yeah sure thing." She followed him out and down the stairs to the kitchen.

Later after a relaxed breakfast discussing all things French with the children, the four had decided to lounge round the pool. As they headed off to their rooms to ready for the day, Lexie entered the master bedroom and eyed her handbag. As she went to grab it, Johnny followed her into the bedroom. "Are you ok with a chilled day round the pool?" He asked. "Sure, it will be good to relax." Lexie replied. Johnny headed into the en suite. He could tell something wasn't right with his girl but he put it down to her monthly. He quickly donned his shorts, and was scraping his hair back into a pony tail when Lexie wandered into the bathroom. "Doll, you're not ready?" "Sorry, got lost on my phone, you go on down, I'll be two minutes." He nodded kissing her before grabbing his shades and leaving the master suite.

He headed downstairs and was greeted by his two gods. He adored his children and would do anything for them. They really changed his life when they came a long. He didn't feel like he was living until they were born. He slung an arm round both their shoulders and they headed out to the pool area. Jack immediately grabbed some of the floats out of the outbuilding throwing them in and Lily made sure to pass out the sunscreen. Johnny was more worried about the two kids than himself and lathered it on both their backs before allowing them to dive in. Johnny laid out on a lounger rolling cigarettes as Lily shouted from a float "Is Lexie ok?" "Yeah she will be down in a minute." "Are you sure Dad? She seemed quiet this morning." "Yeah I think she's just not feeling great. You know.." "ohhhh." Lily said getting her father's point. Jack however still slightly young and not aware, said "Well what's wrong with her?" "Nothing is wrong with her, she's just off colour that's all." "Off colour? What does that mean?" "Well son, umm sometimes girls don't feel great and it just makes them feel a little moody and stuff." "Oh ok." Jack said happy with his father's explanation. "Dad it's more than off colour. You guys have it easy." Lily blurted out. "Ok can we change the subject please." Johnny said. "Well I think she's great, she's so lovely." Jack said making his dad smile. "Good I'm glad. She makes me happy." Lily smiled agreeing before continuing to relax on her float.

Meanwhile, Lexie was in the en-suite sat on the edge of the bath tub. She was still just in her pale pink satin robe. Her heart was beating out of her chest, as she waited the longest three minutes of her life. She stared down at the bit of plastic as she awaited for the words to flash up. Finally her phone alarm went off. Not that she needed it as she hadn't moved for the past 3 minutes and was already staring at the test. She closed her eyes and slowly turned it over in her hands. It took a mammoth amount of courage for her to open her eyes.


She felt so torn. She had always wanted to be a mum, and always saw a baby in her future, but now? Her and Johnny had only been dating 5 almost 6 months. This was not good, he had been trapped by his ex wife with various complications and now she had got herself pregnant, what would people think? God what would Johnny think? All these emotions rushed through her head. Tears welled up in her eyes, this should be a happy moment, but she couldn't help let the negativity seep in. The more she thought about it, the more she dreaded telling him. Johnny was desperately trying to piece his life back together, there's no way he would want a baby now. God they hadn't even considered the future or spoke about anything like that yet. Her phone buzzed

Everything ok? Xx

I'll be down soon. Promise xx

Johnny smiled at his phone, he hoped she really was ok. He put his phone back on the table under the umbrella and laid back in the sun. Grabbing his book he began reading without a care in the world. Well for now, he had a lot of legal stuff looming but right now this is where he felt most at home and he wanted to savour this contentment.

Lexie finally pulled herself together, wiping her tears, she hid the test and headed back into the bedroom. She grabbed her bikini and put it on, she stood in front of the mirror looking at her body, she looked at it differently now she knew there was a baby in her tummy. She grabbed her phone and checked the app, she had somehow missed two periods, she understood the one prior with all the chaos of the press tour but April's confused her, but then again she remembered the medication having quite an effect so perhaps it was that. She knew she couldn't control it or do anything about it now, so pushed the thoughts out of her head, grabbed a cover up and headed downstairs. Lexie's anxiety filled her tummy with dread, she felt nauseous and she wasn't sure if that was the pregnancy or the nerves. She had to speak to Johnny, but how, what would she say? She was a dumb 32 year old that got pregnant, even though they were taking precautions? As if he would believe that? As she made her way outside she was thinking back she didn't ever remember missing a pill so it can't have been her fault, surely? "Hey! You made it!" Johnny said startling her thoughts. She smiled but it was nothing like her usual full beam. "Yeah sorry." "Don't be sorry, we are all just chilling anyway, are you ok? Can I get you a drink? What about a mimosa?" "NO." She practically shouted realising how much she had drank recently. God she was a bad mother already. They did a vineyard tour a few weeks back too that couldn't be good. "Sorry, No thank you." Johnny's eyes brows furrowed but he nodded and laid back down. "Want to come in the pool Lex?" Jack asked. "Umm I think I'm just gonna lay out for a while, maybe later?" The boy nodded and continued diving down under the water. "Lily do you have sunscreen on?" Lexie asked as she laid on a lounger close to Johnny. "Yeah I promise. Daddy did our backs too." Lexie smiled before leaning into kiss Johnny. "I love you." He whispered. Lexie's heart skipped a beat, would that be one of the last time's she heard him say those words? "I love you too Johnny. So much." She said back.

Later on in the day Lexie's mind was still all over the place. She had no idea how to tell Johnny their news and certainly didn't know what she would do about his reaction. At her age, most women were settling down and starting families. Could she do this on her own? Lily-Rose and Jack seemed to manage with split parents. What if Johnny wanted nothing to do with her or the baby though?

Johnny had noticed Lexie on edge all day, he put it down to hormones and left her to it. He hoped she knew to ask if she needed anything. The French sun was beating down on them both as Lexie moved to the shade. "Doll? You ok? You usually love to tan." "Yeah I'm just getting a little too hot that's all." Johnny nodded "Why don't I cool you down?" He said smirking. "Oh yeah? How?" "Let's get in." "Johnny I really don't want to be in the sun." She replied "here take this." He stood and plonked his large fedora on her head. "Come on, you're looking a little flushed, the water will do you good." Lexie smiled taking his hand as he led her into the pool down the steps. He was right as always, the water felt amazing on her body, and as she floated, for a single second every worry left her. After relaxing for a while, Jack asked to get a pool game going so they played for a few hours. Girls vs Boys seemed to be the preference. Lexie enjoyed these moments with the children knowing her whole life could be spun around in a matter of hours when she told Johnny she was pregnant.

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