One Hundred and Forty Three

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"I made this mess so I'm going to fix this." Lexie said firmly. She was in her living room being wired up by a private investigator and Johnny was pacing around the back of the couch with James, whilst Sean and Travis talked her through logistics. "I still don't fucking like it." Johnny said muttering under his breath but the whole room heard. "Sir, we appreciate everything your wife is doing. Hopefully with this evidence we will get him and he will be locked away for a very long time." The plain clothed police officer who was stood by the front door said. "She's walking into an ambush. She's going in completely fucking vulnerable without a defence." "Johnny. I trained Lexie myself, you saw how she got away from him back in fall, believe in her. I do." Travis said protectively and smiling sweetly at Lexie. "Right we are good to go." Sam the Private investigator announced. "We will go to the hotel now and set up in the room next door, Lexie you've got everything you need. You know the code word right? One word and we will be there." Lexie nodded as Sean showed the private investigators out the house. The plain clothed officer walked up to the woman. "I'll follow you. Don't look for me. The idea is that you don't know I'm there. If at any point you need me give the signal ok?" Lexie nodded once more before the officer was also shown out by Sean.

As the head of security closed the front door. Lexie turned to him and Travis and said "Guys do you think we can have a moment?" The two nodded and retreated into the nearby office. Lexie took a deep breath and approached Johnny who had failed to look at her much at all throughout the morning. "Are you going to say anything?" She said. "I don't like this at all. I should be fucking protecting our family not you." "Johnny we've been over this. He wants me. It's the only way." He sighed before looking down at James. "And what if something goes wrong? What if he takes you from me? What will I tell him? How will I explain I couldn't look after Mama?" Lexie opened her mouth but failed to say any words. Was this what Johnny was worried about? "I'll be fine. You know it." She said attempting to be strong and brave. She knew if she crumbled now she would never get anywhere. "Let me come with you." Johnny said coldly. "No... you know he wants me alone. He's watching our every move. It was risky enough letting Sam and his team here this morning.. at least we have the cover he's still looking into the crash." Johnny rolled his eyes before leaning his forehead against his wife's. He cupped her face with one hand, his other arm safely cradling their baby. "Don't you dare come back to me in anything but less than perfect condition." He said softly before he felt her tremble, her eyes had tears pooling in them but she shut them abruptly to stop them falling. Johnny captured his lips with hers in a very swift peck before pulling back. She was motionless for a moment before snapping out of it, and grabbing her jacket and handbag. She was dressed fairly normally for her, black skinny jeans, with a large oversized shirt tucked in. Her hair was down showing the long luscious waves that had formed since becoming pregnant and showed no signs of going away. The hair hid the tiny ear piece she had in discreetly too. Stepping towards the front door, she took one final look at Johnny and her baby and whispered "I love you with all my being." She didn't wait to hear him to say it back, all week he had been so angry with her, she had hated upsetting him, and even worse disappointing him. Picking up the large black holdall and wheelie bag, she headed out the front door to her car and loaded the baggage. Harry had to believe she really was running off with him and leaving Johnny in order for this plan to work.

Lexie drove in silence to the unknown hotel the other side of the city. The officers in her ear had grown quiet after their initial checks, and as she continued the journey the silence was overbearing. Had she made the right decision? Was this really the only way? It had to be, Harry was no longer somebody she recognised and he had to be dealt with. He had attempted to kill her husband, of course she was doing the right thing.

Meanwhile, Johnny sat on the couch, cuddling his youngest son, talking to him in a lame attempt to distract himself but it wasn't working. Eventually, the door went and it was Stephen and Gina. He played along acting surprised in case anyone was watching and welcomed them into his home. "How is she?" Gina asked. "She's fine, she thinks she's doing the right thing." "She is, you heard the police, hopefully this will be the start of the end." Stephen added. "What if something goes wrong? I can't live without her. I won't live without her." Johnny said staring at his infant son.

Lexie arrived at the hotel and parked her car, she slowly and carefully removed the baggage and headed in. She checked her phone once more and saw the text from Harry the day prior. He had checked into a room, and informed her of where to meet.

3312. See you tomorrow. Do not be late.

She pretended she knew where she was going, walking towards the elevators and entering them. She spotted a couple cuddled up in the corner, and instantly felt a pang of jealousy. All she wanted was to be in Johnny's arms. The doors opened and she walked out towards the room as directed, nervously slowing as she approached the door.

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