Chapter Forty Four

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Waking up Lexie felt stiff, she was lying on her side which was something she had been unable to do for 5 and a half weeks.  Johnny's arm was wrapped round her middle and his hand was gently placed on her tummy, she loved the feeling. She could hear the waves without even moving. What a start to the day she thought to herself. She knew she would be affected by jet lag and didn't know what the time was but was just savouring the moment as best she could. She had finally cut down her nighttime medication and had slept rather well even if she was on her side and technically should be in pain. She heard Johnny mumble in his sleep, at first she thought it was cute but then she heard a hint of distress in his voice, he began to thrash about and the warm content feeling she had of his arms around her fast disappeared when he rolled off her. He sounded like he was pleading, she slowly sat up and began to shake him awake. "Johnny, Johnny, wake up." "Wake up Johnny." She shoved his shoulder a little harder and finally his eyes shot open. He was breathing heavily and had a glisten of sweat across his brow. "Are you ok?" Lexie asked worriedly. She let him catch his breath but when he didn't answer she whispered "Johnny?" "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" He asked quietly not making eye contact. How after that moment was he more concerned for her than himself. "Johnny I'm fine, are you?" He shook his head and used his hands to cover his face. She heard him take a few deep breaths before he removed them again, clearly more composed than before. "I'm sorry, I had a nightmare. This is where I came to detox and it was awful, in fact it was the most cruel she ever was, she withheld my meds from me, they should have made the detox easier but she kept them from me. I had to beg like a wounded animal to get them." Lexie's mouth dropped open and her eyes went wide. Her and Johnny hadn't really spoken in too much detail about what he had been through, she never wanted to push the subject and Johnny always wanted to look ahead not backwards but just hearing that snippet made her stomach turn. She wrapped her arms round him and hugged him close. "Oh Johnny, I'm so sorry," somehow they manoeuvred themselves to a more comfortable position, Lexie was lying on her back and Johnny pretty much had his head on her chest and collarbone. She was using her fingers to stroke his hair whilst whispering to him reassuring things.

Later on, Johnny seemed to have got over his nightmare and they were taking a very slow walk along the shore on the beach. "Thank you so much for bringing me here Johnny." "It's my pleasure Lex. Treat it as home ok?" Lexie nodded before pushing her sunglasses up her nose. "It's so tranquil." "Yes it's paradise, it's my only chance of being normal." Lexie nodded understanding. "I think we are going to have to go public sooner than we thought." Johnny said sadly, "I know I'm sorry." "Why are you apologising!?" "Well, if it wasn't for the incident, you wouldn't have been photographed with me or visiting me in hospital or at my house so much. It's my fault." "Darling its nobody's fault it's just the way it's worked out. I was thinking, perhaps before the press tour?" "That only leaves us with 6 weeks?" "Well I would rather it didn't get out whilst I was at the film festival. I wouldn't want that story overshadowing the festival and all their hard work, I doubt Chris wants it overshadowing the film either, so perhaps a week to ten days prior to the first premiere?" "Yes I guess so." "Darling if you would rather not, you can just say." "No honestly I think it's better we do it our way than let those vultures do it." "Ok darling we've got a bit of time to think about it." Lexie smiled before stopping and approaching a lounger that was under a straw umbrella. She sat down on it. "Are you in any pain?" "A little but nothing more than usual." "Ok we will take it easy for the rest of the day, come on. I'll carry you back." "Johnny you don't have to." "I want to!"

After a day in the sun, the pair had showered and freshened up, they were sat near the outdoor kitchen area whilst Johnny was grilling some fresh fish fillets they found in the fridge. "This wine is incredible." "Yes it's a good white isn't it. I need to find out what vineyard it's from." "I think it's new world." Lexie replied smiling. "Hey look at you my little wine guru!" They both chuckled knowing Johnny had been working hard to educate Lexie on the finer wines of the world but that had taken a back seat recently with all the medication she had been on.

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