Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen

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She held onto the back of the couch with a tight grip as she rode his hard cock over and over. Each thrust of his hips made her moan, and in the moment she didn't care if the entire arena heard her. He kissed her once more letting his tongue invade her mouth to save her the embarrassment of being heard as his hands pushed up the tee so that her boobs were now in his face. He groped her before pulling them out the bra and lowering his head, flicking his tongue over an erect nipple. An action he knew sent her wild. She gasped loudly before he moved onto the other, just when he thought she couldn't take anymore, he moved his hand in between them and began to agonisingly tease her clit which made her whole body tremble in his arms. "Johnny!!!" She moaned loudly.

Lexie rode out her high moments later, luckily Johnny's sturdy muscles held her in place so she didn't fall anywhere. She could barely catch her breath as he continued chasing his own orgasm. Eventually he found it and let go groaning loudly as he poured himself into his sensitive wife. As she climbed off him and straightened her outfit and flattened her hair, Johnny smirked "Don't laugh at me J!" She said with a makeshift pout. "Oh darling I'm not laughing, in fact I'm feeling quite smug. I hope these hormones are here to stay." She bit her lip before he wrapped his arms round her lower back kissing her passionately. "We should get going.." "You haven't even showered yet." "Darling it would be dangerous if I showered.. how am I to know that you won't follow me in there, and then we really will be reported missing. Come on." He took his wife's hand and led her out the dressing room down the corridor to where they had agreed to meet Sean and Travis before heading up to see the rest of their family and friends.

"Straight to bed please!" Johnny said as they entered their London home. Both Lily-Rose and Jack looked sleepy but both denied being tired the entire drive home "But Daaaad.." "No But's! It's close to 3am! Go!" The children reluctantly climbed the stairs and Lexie headed into the kitchen to grab glasses of water. She heard Johnny approach "I'm just gonna go smoke and I'll be up ok doll?" "Sure I'll make sure the kids are in bed. Johnny.... Great show tonight. Seriously you're an amazing musician." The man smiled and kissed his wife softly. "Thank you. That's the best compliment from my favourite groupie."

Johnny climbed into bed beside his wife and she instantly snuggled into him resting her head on his chest. The lamp on his bedside table was on as his fingers got lost in her hair. "I'm buzzing from the night and I wasn't even the one on stage." Lexie said giggling. "It was an epic evening. It made it better having my beautiful family there." Lexie smiled before leaning up to kiss his cheek. "Not long now.. only a few more weeks, hasn't it gone fast?" Lexie said "So so fast. I can't wait to get back to France though. We need a break." "I feel like I've been on vacation the last month or so just following you guys round Europe." "Don't be silly,you've been doing all that charity stuff. There's no way me and the guys could have done all those charity engagements and the tour, thanks for filling in for us." Lexie smiled "Well after all, we did actually DONATE and not pledge... it was the least I could do." Johnny smirked before kissing his wife. "Have you thought anymore about September?" "No... I'm guessing I'll be showing by the Autumn, I'll just have to wait and see." "Good plan doll. I love you." "Not as much as I love you Johnny."

The next morning Johnny woke to the sound of his wife throwing up, he heard her groan as he climbed out of bed. He found her on the en suite floor resting her head on her arm that was on the toilet seat. He quickly bent down beside her "Doll. Are you ok?" "I woke up feeling so nauseous. I feel like I've been here hours." "Oh my darling. Let me go get you some water and ginger biscuits." Lexie gagged once more before closing her eyes. Johnny quickly left and headed downstairs to retrieve what he needed, before rejoining the woman. He sat with his back against the bath tub. "Johnny, go back to bed, this is your first day off in nearly a week." "Nooo not on your nelly love. My wife and child need me." Lexie smiled before throwing up again. "Surely there's nothing left" she whispered before wiping her mouth and sipping some water. "Oh darling. It will pass I'm sure." Lexie nodded before she sat up straight "I'm gonna try and get back to bed." She said. Johnny stood and scooped his wife up. "Jeez you're lighter than ever." He mumbled but Lexie heard closing her eyes and enjoying his embrace. After tucking her back into bed, he checked his phone and then said "Why don't we just go up on the bus tomorrow? It's only a few hours away right? No need to be away from home another night." "Oh Johnny. Tommy is organising that big dinner tonight you can't miss that, go without me and I'll head up first thing with the kids." "I'm not leaving you darling, not like this." "Johnny I'm not keeping you from your guys." "Ok well look get some sleep for a few hours we can reevaluate closer to lunchtime can't we?" Lexie nodded and snuggled into her pillow, her hand resting on her tiny tummy. "I love you Johnny." "Love you too darling. I'm just gonna go smoke ok?"

A few hours later, Lexie had managed to eat some dry toast and keep that down, and had showered which made her feel more human. "Come on. We can't miss that dinner. He's been chatting about it for days." Lexie said pulling out a maxi dress from the wardrobe. She held it up to her body and looked in the mirror. "Jesus this used to be baggy on me. I bet now it won't even fit." "Lex, you're almost 13 weeks not 30! I'm sure it will look great. Have you finished packing?" Johnny said closing his holdall. "Yeah it's downstairs." "Ok darling.. well take your time, the guys won't be here until 2." Lexie nodded and began changing out of her robe.

A few hours later they were in the car with the children heading up to Birmingham for the next concert date the following day. Lexie's phone rang and it was Kate.
"Hey! Any news?"
"I'm not due for another month! Keep your hair on."
"Oh ok... well how are you feeling?"
"Large. Tired, and nauseous. You?"
"Sick and bloated."
"well aren't we the most attractive women going."
"You can say that..."
"I've got a massive favour..."
"Go on..."
"Jamie's cousin Carly needs your help."
"My help?"
"Yeah, remember her little boy Mikey? He's in that hospice in Coventry?"
"Yeah I remember."
"Well it's on his bucket list... to perform a mutiny."
"A mutiny?"
"Yeah you know Pirates? Jesus and you're the wife of Captain Jack."
Lexie rolled her eyes giggling. "I know what a mutiny is.. I just didn't realise they could be performed in a hospice." This comment made Johnny look up from his sketch book.
"Well how can I help if you need a Pirate mutiny?" Lexie said playing with her hair. "Well... he's got himself a little girlfriend in there..." "a girlfriend? Isn't he 7?" "Yeah but you know they don't get to go to school they are always in hospital and stuff, besides I think they only hold hands and watch movies together." "Oh my god stop. That's so cute." "I know... anyway, she LOVES you, and your alter ego... do you think perhaps there's a chance you and J could pull some strings? The hospice is seriously lacking funding, but other than that one the closest is Cardiff and she can't do that, in the last stages of his life take him away from everyone he knows and loves." Lexie nodded almost emotional. "Of course. Leave it with me. So what a visit? A mutiny, and a little pop princess thrown in?" "Whatever you guys can manage, I'll be eternally grateful"
"Well Kate, we are off to Glasgow straight after tomorrow's show, maybe when J is back from the states we can organise something?!" "Yeah right now I think the boy would just take an autograph. They don't know how long he's got I just knew that I had to help. Jamie and I are going to visit at the weekend." "Oh doll, of course. Johnny and I will do whatever we can." "Ok well I need to go pee for the millionth time today so I better go. Thanks Lex!" "No sweat, love ya"

"What was that all about?" Johnny asked curiously. "Do you remember us telling you about Jamie's cousin Carly? She's an incredible songwriter but gave it all up when she fell pregnant?" "Kind of." "Her son Mikey, he's very sick. It's terminal. He's been in and out of hospital his entire life. I've done some visits and stuff but a good few years ago, anyway, they found out earlier this year that he hasn't got much time left, so he wrote his bucket list. On it, is to perform a mutiny at his hospice." "Mutiny?" Johnny asked chuckling. "Yeah.. apparently he's got a little friend who's a big fan of mine too, so Kate was wondering if we could do something." "God of course. When?" "Focus on the tour first and I'll sort it out." "Well we could do a video with the band later couldn't we? I'll tell him I'm assembling a crew to come and assist him" Lexie smiled sadly. "That's a wonderful idea Johnny." She had tears pooling in her eyes "I can't even begin to imagine being told you'll loose your child. The pain we went through was horrendous but actually physically loosing them and burying them. It's so cruel." Lexie wiped her eyes as Johnny reached his hand out to hers squeezing it.

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