Chapter Ninety Three

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"Are you ok darling?" Johnny said as he walked out the en suite of Lexie's bedroom in London. "Yes I'm fine, just giddy. I can't wait to tell my Mum." Johnny smiled and wandered over to where his fiancé was sat at her dressing table and kissed her head. "I'm sure she will be very excited. After they come over are you gonna call the girls?" "Yeah, I thought I would invite them over for dinner tonight if ok, tell them, then fly back to France tomorrow evening or Wednesday morning?" "Doll there's no rush." "There is.. I wanna see the kids before they head home. I can't believe they will be back to school next week." "It's only a day, fuck knows why the school is opening on a Friday just for one day, practically encouraging the kids to bunk off."

Lexie's knee was bobbing up and down as she sat on the couch an hour later, she had a lovely floaty maxi dress on and her hair in a high pony tail. She had opted for minimal make up and Johnny had complimented her more than once that morning. He gently placed a hand on her fidgety leg and said "Doll, calm down. What's got you all anxious?" "I'm just, I'm so happy but what if people think I'm not good enough for you? What if they all think I'm just some woman after fame and fortune. I am no better than her." "Stop that.. you're one of the best things that ever happened to me. You're a million miles away from being anything like her. I asked you to marry me because you're it for me. I don't want to go through life without you, that being said we don't ever have to actually get hitched if it complicates things too much for you? I just wanted to show you how committed I am to you, to us and to our future." Lexie's eyes widened and Johnny could see more happy tears pooling. "I love you Johnny." "I love you too my Angel." They shared an intimate tender kiss before Johnny pulled back "Just so we are on the same page, are we getting married? Like do we need to set a date or are you happy with it just being a commitment?" "Oh Johnny, I always saw myself getting married but we don't need to rush anything. Let's be us. Let's do it our way like we've done everything else." "That's fine by me my darling.... I think your folks just pulled in."

"Mum, Dad, thanks for coming over." "Oh don't be silly it's lovely to see you, goodness you both look so well. The relaxation must have done you both some good this summer. How long are you back for?" "Only a few days Mum, we've got to get back the kids are off back to LA after the weekend for school next week." "God time does fly doesn't it." The four sat down on the couch and Lexie sat up straight taking a deep breath. "Mum, Dad, I wanted, well we wanted to tell you something.... We're engaged." Lexie beamed holding up her left hand smiling. Lizzie gasped putting her hand over her mouth, whilst Tom smiled knowingly. "Congratulations love" he said standing and heading towards his daughter. He got to Johnny first who stood and shook the man's hand before Tom pulled him in for a brief hug and slapped him on the back. "Welcome to the family officially Johnny." "Thank you Sir and thank you for your blessing." Lizzie gasped again from the sofa. She finally stood and was clearly in a lot of shock, "Oh my darling, you're glowing, you look so happy." She pushed her way through and wrapped her arms round her only daughter. She cupped her face before moving onto Johnny and kissing him. "Goodness there's so much planning to be done. When, where?" "Mum... breathe. We are doing it all our way in our own time." Lexie said smiling. "This deserves a toast." Tom said heading into his daughter's kitchen and rummaging through her wine fridge before grabbing himself a soft drink out the standard American style fridge freezer.

Much later that day, Johnny and Lexie were kissing passionately as they stumbled into the master bedroom. Lexie's close friends and their partners had just left after a lovely evening celebrating their engagement. "God, Johnny I want you." Lexie mumbled against his lips in between kisses. He gently pushed her down on the bed kissing her to within an inch of her life, whilst slowly and sensually undressing her. Lexie was incredibly turned on and wanted nothing more than to be ravished by her future husband. She knew Johnny incredibly intimately by now and knew he got off on teasing and providing pleasure. He had let slip once or twice how much he loved hearing her beg for him, one of the only things he ever fully controlled was her pleasure in the bedroom.

Their clothes were discarded rather quickly and Johnny's lips found Lexie's hot skin. He trailed kisses down her neck towards her chest, continuously glancing up at her. He knew the affect he had on his girl and he very much enjoyed feeling her wriggle under him. He lifted his head when he got to her perky breasts, she sighed almost in disappointment that he had stopped. "Patience my love." He whispered smirking. Even his voice was intoxicating. She bit her lip as he descended onto her nipples giving them his undivided attention and devouring them with his tongue. Taking equal turns with both until the woman had almost completely lost all control. Johnny's boxers were straining, he could feel how turned on he was and he knew he had to keep his cool. It was becoming too often that he wanted to finish immediately after seeing his girl begin to loose her senses. She had multiple chances at this pleasure, he only had one and he vowed he would make the most of every time.

His fingertips travelled up and down Lexie's sides and taut tummy. Her eye contact never broke as she watched him have his way with her. Right now she was content being his little play thing. She could feel how much he was enjoying it as the evidence was poking her inner thigh. She spread her legs more allowing his body to fall more on top of her own. He smirked knowing she was doing it more for her own pleasure than his but it still felt good being so close to her body. He resumed kissing her as his hand slipped between them both and began playing and teasing her clit. She moaned out as his efforts began reaping their reward. He could feel the heat coming from her and knew how badly she wanted him. He let his fingertips move further south and enter her. She was soaked and it made him groan. Her eyes opened widely as he began to fuck her with his fingers whilst letting his tongue invade her mouth once more. Eventually he gave in and slowed his fingers before pulling out completely. He hovered over her shimmied out his boxers and entered her in one thrust knowing it would result in a moan. He was correct. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as he began thrusting deep and fast. "Johnny... please." She moaned. This made him smirk again as he began to thrust even deeper hitting all the right spots. It felt amazing for him and hoped it did for her too. After a while he was soon groaning and attempting to hold back as he fondled her chest and using a hand to tease her clit more. Finally, the pleasure began to overtake his girl's body as she screamed out his name and rode out her high. Johnny could barely keep it together with how her little body wriggled but he held out as long as he could before tipping over into yet another mind blowing orgasm.

"Jesus fucking Christ" Johnny panted into Lexie's shoulder where he had collapsed moments before. He heard her giggle but couldn't bring himself to move his head just yet, he was almost dizzy. "I hope we are still doing that when we are old and grey." She whispered whilst running her fingers through his hair. "I am old and grey." He smirked kissing her shoulder and slowly moving off her. "You are not. You're gorgeous, in your prime in fact." "Ha. Well as long as you keep me young darling." He kissed her briefly on the lips as she pulled the sheet up over them. "Johnny?" "Hmm.." he said with his eyes closed. "You're not falling asleep are you?" "Noooo" he still hadn't opened his eyes as she snuggled close to him. "I'll miss you when you're away on tour and working on that film." "I'll miss you more my darling, but we will ensure the reunions are just as explosive as that I assure you." "Johnny... I'm not just gonna miss you for that you know." "Oh are you not? I was under the impression you once told me nobody has ever made you feel like I do..." he said sarcastically chuckling. "That is true, yes. However it's not the only reason I love you." "Well I don't just love you for your amazing blow jobs either so I guess we are even." He said rolling back onto his side to face her, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, before kissing her briefly.

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