Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Five

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"She's got more marshmallows then me!" Jack chuckled, "Yeah well I burnt myself counting them and besides Lex has to share hers with the baby." Johnny smirked. Somehow his two teenagers had ended up on his and his wife's bed yet again and they were drinking hot chocolate with his heavily pregnant wife. "So has the baby got a name yet?" Lily asked. "God we are still deciding aren't we.. it's harder than it looks!" Lexie giggled sipping her drink.

An hour or so later, Lexie had been getting more and more uncomfortable. Every now and then she was spotted holding onto the lower part of her bump and clenching her jaw. She hadn't mentioned anything but Johnny had noticed. "Doll? Are you ok?" "Yeah just twinges. Cramping a little." "Cramping??? As in you're in labour??" Lily exclaimed nearly falling of the bed. "No I don't think so, it's far too early." Lexie said trying to keep herself and everyone else calm. "But don't babies come when they want?" Jack asked scared. "It's not gonna just pop right out now Jack!" Lily said standing and walking round to Lexie's side of the bed. "Darling, what does it feel like? Is it just twinges or is it contractions?" "Johnny I don't know I've never done this before." Lexie said scared. "Ok ok.. Lily go get her glass of water and Jack run and grab the red folder from the office." The kids scarpered off as Johnny moved closer to his wife pulling her into his arms. "Tell me where it hurts." She pointed and he grabbed his phone to call the midwife.

"Braxton Hicks. What a strange name." Jack said leaning in and hugging Lexie goodnight late that evening. The children had insisted on staying up and ensuring their step mother was ok. After long discussions with the midwife over the phone, it was decided that Lexie was merely suffering with Braxton Hicks. "Night bud. Sleep tight." She said now in fresh pyjamas and feeling a lot better. "Well keep up that hydration Missy!" Lily said to her step mother mimicking her. "I promise I will. Thanks for taking such good care of me." Lexie said kissing Lily's head. "Right bed... off you go!" Johnny said hugging his kids goodnight.

The next morning Lexie was sat up in bed reading when Johnny woke. "Are you ok doll? Why didn't you wake me?" "There was nothing to wake you for!" She giggled snuggling in closer to his outstretched arms. "I really can't wait to meet our little baby Lex, thank you for giving me a chance for a second act." Her large doe eyes filled with tears. "Thank you for choosing me." She whispered as he kissed away the tears that escaped her eyes.

Later in the day, Johnny had got his kids settled into homeschooling with the tutor sat downstairs at the dining table, and returned to the master bedroom with a cup of breakfast tea, his wife's favourite.

"How you doing doll?" "We're doing ok

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"How you doing doll?" "We're doing ok.. I feel like I'm even bigger than yesterday!" "You're beautiful to me." He said handing her the hot mug, and sitting on the bed. "Are the kids ok?" "Yep, all sorted. Jack is doing literature first so expect him to be calling for your help soon." Lexie smirked before holding her tummy once more. "What's wrong?" Johnny asked. "Nothing baby is kicking hard that's all." Johnny lowered his head and kissed the top of her large bump. "Hey pickle... please settle down for Mumma." Johnny was replied to with a sharp jab a mere few inches from where his lips were. Lexie smiled and ran her fingers through Johnny's hair. "Not long now." She said with a smile. "No not at all... are you excited?" Johnny said. "I am but very nervous, and scared of the labour." "Don't be scared. I'll be there every moment. I'll never let anything happen to you or our baby." Johnny wrapped his arms around his wife tight.

A few days later, Lexie was still resting in bed and was bored out of her mind. Her Mum and best friend had dropped in for a visit and Lexie had many cuddles with Nellie. Lily had taken a break from her home schooling to hang with the girls. "How are you feeling?" Kate asked. "Like I'm the size of a house. I can barely get up now without help, and I miss not having swollen ankles." Lizzie smirked before straightening up a few things on the nearby dressing table. "It's all for the good of the baby though. You'll have your own beautiful baby in your arms before you know it." The mother said proudly. "I know. Plus I think Johnny is loving waiting on me hand and foot." "I can imagine. He loves taking care of you." Kate said smiling as Lexie fussed further over Nellie before Lily got cuddles too.

The next day...

"Johnny!! Where's the car seat?" Lexie said from the bed with her legs stretched out in front of her and her notebook and pen in hand. "Ummm in the car darling." Johnny quickly emerged in the bedroom door looking confused before he returned back to his son's room who was struggling to pack for his mother's. "Johnny, did we wash the sheets for the Moses basket?" "Yes darling!!" He said back loudly. "What???" She said. Johnny re appeared in the bedroom door. "We did yes. They are ready to go in the nursery." "And the sleepsuits?" "Yes it's all good to go and in the drawers remember?" He said trying to remain calm. "Well if you let me out of bed I could check this myself and you know I'm having memory issues with baby brain!" She smirked and Johnny widened his eyes. "I know I know! Now will you give me five minutes to shut my son's case.. fuck knows what he's packing." Lexie giggled "Of course." She blew him a kiss as he wandered off.

"Where's the hospital bag?" Lexie asked for the millionth time. "By the front door." "Can you go get it?" "Why?" "I need to check everything is in there." Johnny closed his sketch book and leaned his head back onto the headboard closing his eyes and slowly re opened them. "Darling you checked it once this morning and twice yesterday. It's ready. Try to relax ok?" Lexie went to say something but then thought back, she had checked it multiple times that was true. She was struggling to relax, and she didn't know what else she could do. "Johnny... I am so bored... please let me do something." He thought for a moment before disappearing into the en suite for a few moments, then he returned scooping Lexie into his arms bridal style. "You will relax if it's the last thing you do darling!" He said carrying her into the en suite where he had lit candles and a bubble bath was running. Once again her hormones messed with her and she burst into tears at the sight. "I'm so lucky to have you." She sobbed, making him chuckle. "Most women would say that without crying love!" "No you joke but I am. What did I ever do to deserve you?" He answered her by kissing her passionately.

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