One Hundred and Thirty Five

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Three long days later...

After multiple visits from the police investigating the car accident, specialists reviewing Johnny's medical notes, and countless visits from family and close friends, Lexie was struggling. She was running herself ragged, trying to keep up with everyone, keep the children up to date and safe, and be a good mother to James who had rarely left her side. It was early evening and she had just laid James in the nearby pram, he was asleep finally after a good feed and Lexie hoped he would remain settled for some time. She grabbed Johnny's hand and gently squeezed it. "Oh darling.. please wake up. Please. I don't care if you lay in bed for the next year recovering but just wake up so we know you're ok." Nothing. Not a single reaction to her words. Johnny looked so peaceful, his hair was a little messier than usual, and he certainly didn't look his dapper self in the hospital gown connected to various machines but he was still her husband, the love of her life and she told him so. "Your father and Christi arrive tomorrow. Wouldn't it be good if when they landed you woke up for them? That's a good idea isn't it?" Lexie said before Travis walked in the room. "Just checking, we are spending the night correct?" Lexie nodded. "Sorry.." "Don't apologise." In recent evenings Travis had taken to joining Lexie in Johnny's room and sleeping on the chair the other side of the bed, leaving the small couch for the woman. If she really curled up she could lay down flat and that's all she needed as long as she was close to her husband. James luckily had gotten quite used to sleeping in his pram, and Lexie thanked the lucky stars that Johnny went all out when buying for the baby and got a Pram bassinet that doubled up as a Moses basket. "I'm just gonna see the CPO off. Check in with Mark and Sean and I'll be back. I'll grab us some coffee and snacks ok?" "Great thanks Trav. Can you tell Lenny I'll call the children before they go to bed?" "Course."

A few hours later, Travis had kicked his boots off and had his feet up on the edge of Johnny's bed. Lexie was sat holding Johnny's hand. "God he was fucking smitten with you. I remember when he came into the office and told Sean and I that he was going on a dog walk... we were like what the fuck??" "It was my fault. I double booked. Anyway, he seemed to like it. He loves Murphy." "Oh god I know he did. I think that's what he fell in love with you. How normal you were and strived to be. Never ever demanded special treatment, you've never been a diva. He loves you for you." Lexie smiled before looking at Johnny. "I love him for him too. I don't care who he is or what he does and has done. He's just J." "I know, we can all see that and how smitten you are."

"Christ I'm damn lucky I haven't knocked a girl up yet." Travis said leaning back in the chair as James screamed out in the early hours to be fed. "That you know of!" Lexie giggled. "Woahhh steady on, do you think I'm that kinda guy?" "Not at all... but would it kill you to hold my baby every now and then?" Lexie giggled pulling the muslin over her shoulder and letting James feed. "You know it would mean a lot to Johnny.. and to me." Travis smiled "Ok I don't know what the big deal is but I promise to hold the baby more. Besides he's a real babe magnet." "Ha... look at who his father is. He's gonna be a real heartbreaker." Lexie said proudly. "God help the girls!" Travis said before shutting his eyes again.

In the morning, Lexie went about her normal routine settling James in her arms once more as a friendly nurse walked in. "Good Morning Mrs Depp.. still with us?" "Yes... I'm sorry, am I in the way?" "Not at all. I'm just here like always to check Mr Depp's vitals. I assume no change over night?" "Nope nothing." Lexie said looking sad. "Well everything is showing that he should wake at any moment so it's just a waiting game until he feels ready. How's the little guy doing?" The nurse replaced the folder on the nearby table and approached looking over Lexie's shoulder. "He's very handsome isn't he.. he looks just like his father." "Do you think? People say he's got my nose, but I don't see it. I think he has Johnny's eyes." "Yes I agree. A perfect blend of you both." Lexie smiled and thanked the nurse as Travis walked in with coffee cups. "Oh sorry.. I didn't realise we had company." He said cheekily. "Oh don't be silly I'm on duty just doing my rounds. It was nice to see you again Mr McGivern.." "Call me Travis." "Ok.. Travis." "See you around Claire." The nurse blushed and walked out the room and Travis' eyes remained on the closed door. "What was that?" Lexie said shocked. "What was what?" "The Call Me Travis." Lexie said in a deep voice trying to sound like him. "Nothing??" The man smirked. "Yes it was!! You fancy her!" "I do not!!" "You so do!! You want to get into her knickers!!" "I do not... ok maybe I do." "Well just wait until Johnny's discharged yeah?" "Jesus Lex I'm not an animal!" "Mmmm hmm.."

A day later..

"Ok ok ok.. hang on. Put your brother back on...."
"Hey Lex."
"Hey darling.. now what did you do to your sister's room?"
"Nothing! I was just looking for my paint brush."
"But she said you've trashed it.."
"I did not!!! I was just looking for it!!"
"Jack, did you mess up her stuff?"
"Maybe a little. But she took it I know she did!!"
"Why would I take your bloody paint brush!!" Lexie heard Lily shout in the background.
"Alright alright.. Jack have you found it now?"
"No!! And I really wanted to finish my painting!!" He said loudly.
"Ok look go into the office and look through your father's supplies. I'm sure he wouldn't mind you borrowing what you need, just promise me you'll take care of it?"
"I promise..."
"And Jack. Help your sister put her room back together."
"But I've only just finished tidying my room!!"
"Jack.. do it or I'm telling Nanna to cancel the take out tonight."
"Ok ok I will. But promise we can see Dad again tomorrow?"
"I promise, and it's the weekend.. thank god, so you both can spend as much time with him as possible but I need you both on side ok?"
"Yes I promise. Good boy now can you put Lily back on..."
"And how can I help you little lady.."
"Jack is so annoying!! And I'm sure your mum loves him more!!"
"You know that's not true.. she loves you both equally."
"I'm sorry Lex.."
"What for?"
"For being grouchy and hormonal. I'm struggling this month."
"That's ok darling. There's a lot going on.. just do me a favour?"
"Lay off your brother. He's younger, I think he's struggling more than he's let on. Take care of him."
"I will I promise, I can't wait to see you tomorrow."
"I know darling I miss you too. Providing all is ok here. Stephen is coming first thing and I'll head home regroup with you guys and bring you back. Your auntie Christi and Grandpa should be at their hotel by now too, so I think they are planning to come by tomorrow as well."
"Dad would hate all the fuss."
"Well he knows what he needs to do doesn't he?"
Lily giggled and it was the best medicine for Lexie.
"I love you darling."
"I love you too Lex. Give Dad and James a kiss from me."
"I will. See you in the morning."

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