Chapter Eighty Four

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The following statement is due to be released by Spanky Taylor, Los Angeles and YMU Management on behalf of our clients Mr John Christopher Depp II and Miss Lexie Donnington. The statement will be embargoed until 1600GMT/08:00Pacific. The clients will release their own copies on social media accounts.

It is with great sadness that we confirm the news that we did indeed suffer a late miscarriage at 16 weeks pregnant earlier this year. Although we are extremely saddened and heartbroken at the loss, we are even more so now that the story was shared with the world without our prior permission. Medical records were leaked from Chelsea and Westminster hospital, sold to the press unlawfully and a full investigation is in place to hold those responsible accountable. With great sadness, comes the great responsibility to share in our experience. We urge anyone, who has or is going through what we did to reach out to Tommy's, MEND or the various other incredible charities and organisations around the world that work to prevent Miscarriage or Infant Loss. Thank you for all the well wishes and support at this time. J & L. X

No further comment will be given. No enquiries will be responded to at this time.

"Want to read it again, or are you happy?" Johnny asked Lexie who was still lying in bed sipping her tea on the fresh Sunday morning. "No I can't, I'm sorry I just can't." "Don't be sorry doll." "This is just one big mess isn't it?" "It's ok darling, we will get through it, look what life has thrown at us, we are survivors" Lexie wiped a tear from her eye. "I can't believe they think you caused it, her side really are the lowest of low." "Well what do you expect, they also think it's acceptable to beat your husband. I've had worse written." "I suppose I need to check the email from Laura about my personal Instagram post." "Yeah do that and then we can snuggle in front of the fire and just shut out the world for the day."

Suffering a miscarriage is one the hardest things I've ever been through, but what makes the suffering even harder is the false accusations involved with my experience. Nobody was responsible for my miscarriage. Sadly one in four pregnancies end in miscarriage. I was in no way attacked, injured by a third party or even threatened at any point during my somewhat short pregnancy. The thought that the man I love, and the father of my lost baby is being accused of such a horrific act is sickening. The idea that an ex partner of mine who happened to be present at a time where I slightly injured myself is also being accused is truly horrifying too. Please discontinue the printing and spreading of lies and use the wider picture to learn from this ordeal. LD x

"You sound like a warrior." Johnny said smiling sadly. "Do I?" "Yes you never ever back down do you. I'm so proud to call you my girl. Even when you're in the most pain you still stand up for those you love and even those you hate, because it's the right thing to do." "I'm just me." Lexie said sweetly. "Well I love just you." It was then Johnny noticed Lexie had her necklace on. The one he had gifted her for her birthday, the meaningful one. She saw him looking and stared down at it before playing with the pendent, "I haven't taken it off since I left America. It made me feel close to you and well umm the baby. I would have been due next month." "I know darling. I often think about it." "Me too." Johnny scooted closer to her pulling her in for a cuddle and passionate kiss.

An hour later, Lexie had changed into comfy cute loungewear and Johnny donned similar before they made their way to the sitting room. Johnny started a fire in the log burner making the room feel cosy whilst Lexie made brunch. She thrived on taking care of Johnny and loved looking after him. He enjoyed her cooking immensely and often told her that. Just before 4pm, they reviewed the statements one last time before they were shared with the world. After that they placed their phones face down on the table and decided to watch a movie. Lexie asked Johnny to choose, she knew he liked the old classics and she was intrigued to find out more. He chose one and they snuggled up close on the sofa whilst the world read their statement. He had his arms wrapped round his girl tight as the film started, often pausing to kiss her head.

Once the movie finished, Lexie was scrolling through Netflix when the buzzer went off. Both of them startled Johnny approached the unit and looked at the screen "It's your folks." "Ah ok." He buzzed them in and soon they were at the door. Lexie opened the door discreetly with the press still at the gates she didn't want to be spotted. Her parents rushed in. "Sorry we tried calling, but we didn't get an answer." "Oh sorry mum we both had our phones on silent, couldn't be bothered to deal with it all." "No worries darling. How are you?" She asked hugging her only child whilst Tom greeted Johnny. "We are doing ok. I'm just so worried about the children and what they think of it all." "Oh sweetie you can't control everything." Lexie offered drinks to her parents, both her, mum, and Johnny opted for a glass of wine whilst Tom had coffee. "We just wanted to swing and check in on you, we feel so hopeless at home." "Mum you don't need an excuse to visit, thank you for coming." "Changing the subject ever so slightly to much lighter and hopefully happier, Tom, Lizzie, I'm not sure if you know but I plan to celebrate Christmas with my children in Paris, I've invited Lexie to join me, and of course that invitation extends to you both too." Johnny said smiling from beside his girlfriend. "Oh goodness. Wow. Johnny, are you sure?" "That's a lovely offer Johnny, we wouldn't want to put you out though." "You wouldn't be putting me out at all. I would love for you to join me and my family." Lizzie looked at Tom who shrugged. "Darling?" She asked her daughter. "Don't look at me! You both know I want to spend Christmas with Johnny, if you came, you would be helpful a girl out.." she said giggling. "Well in that case we would love to join you, thank you Johnny." "It's my pleasure" he said smiling.

Later that evening as Johnny climbed into bed beside Lexie he said "You will so have to help me with the Christmas shopping, what am I gonna get your folks?" "Johnny you don't need to get them a present. Hosting them will be more than enough." "Oh please. As if. Please will you help me?" "Of course I'll help you. Write a list of everyone you need to buy for." "Umm that could take some time." "Course it could. We better start tomorrow hey?" Johnny smiled before kissing his girl.

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