Chapter Two

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Lexie arrived at her parents house, it was the home she had spent a lot of her childhood in after moving there when she was just 10. She was greeted by her mother who acted as if she hadn't seen her in months when realistically it had only been a few days. "Hi Mumma. How's your day been?" "All good darling, I had a job this morning but other than that nothing much. Daddy is on his way back from the studios now." "Ok cool I'm going to go get changed." Lexie's bedroom had remained pretty much untouched after she moved out aged 21. She didn't have to and her parents really didn't want her to go, but she felt it was time and so many of her friends had gone off to university for adventures, she felt it could be her version of that adventure. Most of the time though whenever she came home to her parents, she stayed over, still in the same bedroom, she still had clothes and everything she needed there. After changing she made her way back down the stairs, and she jumped up on the island in the kitchen whilst her mother finished cooking. "So tell me, how was the read? Did you meet your leading man?" Lexie had grabbed some grapes from the fruit bowl and was munching on them "it went well! You'll never guess who they've cast... Johnny Depp!" "Wow, that is impressive! How do you feel about that?" "Well when we started reading, I was so nervous, I was so sure that there had been a mistake, how could I be opposite Johnny Depp? But he's so nice, and kind and he even said that he and his daughter are fans!" "Wow! Get you, well done darling." "Thanks Mumma. Want a glass of wine?" "Sure." Lexie jumped off the island and opened the fridge. She poured two small glasses of wine for her and her mother before climbing back up on the island. "Well I don't know where your father is. Every day he's getting later and later." "Mum, it's a new show, you know he doesn't want to go live with anything less than perfect." Lexie's mother shrugged before returning to the cooking. Finally they heard "I'm home!!" Lexie ran to the front door as if she was 5 again "Hey Papa D." "Hey you, have you run out of food at your place then?" "nooo!" She laughed before sticking her tongue out "Mumma invited me!" Her father made his way into the kitchen before kissing his wife hello. "So Lexie has just been telling me she's starring opposite Johnny Depp in this new movie." "Fuck me, that's impressive. Well done love." "Thanks Daddy! I'm super excited."

Meanwhile, across the city in a music studio Johnny Depp was working with his close friend Jeff Beck, they were rocking out on new tracks that they had written together. Johnny kept slipping up on a note "Fuck. Why do I keep getting this wrong?" Jeff shrugged "I don't know, maybe you're not feeling it today?" "I don't know what it is. I've been rehearsing this over and over." Jeff chuckled, "Let's take 5 brother, you need it." They placed their guitars in the stands before heading to a nearby couch. "So what's new with you?" Jeff asked the actor. "Not much, I've got a new movie this summer to shoot, it's a bit romantic not my usual cup of tea but Stephen recommended it, somebody he knows wrote the script." "Nice, romance isn't usually your thing but you'll ace it, you always do." "Cheers pal, I had the table read today, it went well, met my leading girl." "Oh wow, what she like?" "She's great. That Donnington girl, she's gold dust. Everything she touches is a success." "Yeah I know of her, didn't she win a Grammy at 18?" "Yeah, it says something about her work that my daughter who wasn't even born when her first album came out still rocks to it." "Fair play. So is she a good actress?" "I think so? I've not seen much of her stuff, although in the car Stephen told me she did that BDSM trilogy a while back, the one that all the chicks went crazy for. Might have to check it out.." "Johnny!" "What?? I'm not that fucking old. I've got quite a way before I'm 50?" "That's all we need another fucking headline... Johnny Depp likes whips and chains" "Oh fuck off! Besides we hung out after and she didn't come across as the type who wanted to be a dominant, maybe it was a good gig for her? Certainly made her a worldwide name in the film business?" "You hung out? How do you mean?" "We went for coffee." "John... that's how the last one started. Don't get suckered in again." "Jeff, I've learnt my lesson. This is different, she wasn't looking for anything, in fact I think she just wanted somebody to talk to." "And didn't SHE want somebody to talk to when she came into your trailer and kissed you when you were still very much with Vanessa?" "Jeff, I assure you this won't lead to anything. What would she see in a guy like me anyway?"

"Are you sure you want to go home sweetie? I can run you back in the morning?" "No Dad honest it's fine, I need to go back and get sorted for tomorrow. Another big day." "Ok darling, come on, Lizzie I'll be back shortly." "Bye Mum, thanks for dinner." Lexie kissed her mum goodbye and headed out to the driveway jumping in her Dad's car. As they drove into the night the few short minutes round the corner to Lexie's house she could tell her father had something on his mind. "All ok Dad?" "Yes everything is fine darling, why?" "I just worry about you that's all." "Sweetie you don't need to I promise." "Ok well Mum is worried you're working too hard, remember what happened last time when you were working all hours." "I know I'll cut back I promise, besides we have a lovely Italian holiday to look forward to don't we when we come see you in Venice!" "Ah yes I forgot, I can't wait until you visit, it will be great to have some company." "Do you not have any friends yet? I thought you met some of your Co stars today?" "I did but it's quite a small cast. So we'll see." They arrived at Lexie's house and her father stopped to ensure she got in ok, she waved him off before grabbing the mail from the mat.

An hour or so later, she was just about to climb into bed when her phone pinged. It was a text from Johnny.

Hey doll, so sorry it's late - I hope this doesn't disturb you. I just wanted to say how great it was to meet you today and how lovely it was to get to know you. I hope dinner with your folks was nice. See you tomorrow, Love and Respect JD, x

Lexie smiled at her phone, what a thoughtful and lovely message to receive. She decided to reply instantly.

Hi! You didn't disturb me don't worry. The feeling is mutual, it was an incredible honour to meet you, and will be an even bigger one to work with you. Dinner was lovely, I hope your evening went well at the studio. Looking forward to tomorrow already. Lexie D x

Johnny smiled at his phone in his hotel suite where he was nursing a bottle of beer. He couldn't describe the feeling he got looking at the message the lovely lady had just sent. It made his heart burst, at least one woman trusted and liked him in this world right now. His thoughts were interrupted by his phone going off, it was his kids facetiming.

"Hey guys! How are you? How was school?"
"Good" "Same Old."
"How's London?"
"London is good, I'm busy with work, Jeff and I are also working on releasing that album soon too."
"Wow that's cool. Dad will you send me the chords to learn?"
"Sure thing son. Lily how did your exam go?"
"It was ok, I don't know when I'll get the results though."
"Well as long as you tried your best. How's your mother?"
"She's good, she said to tell you she's meeting with the lawyers tomorrow."
"Ok thanks I'll drop her a message. By the way, guess who I met today?"
"Lexie Donnington!"
"What??? No way??! How? Why?! She's so cool!!"
"Firstly Lily-Rose, yes she's very cool, I told her you were a fan, and she seemed happy to hear it and secondly Jack, how do you not know her? All the kids know her don't they?"
"Yeah Jack, she was on Disney channel, and she sings AND she's on that NBC show we like!! Oh my god Dad did you get a picture?"
"No I did not get a picture, who do you think I am?"
"Not even a selfie?"
"No! We did hang out though after the meeting."
"What meeting would you have with Lexie?"
"She's the female lead in this new movie that Uncle Stephen got me involved in."
"What?? No way!! You're gonna be in a movie with her?"
"Yes this summer?"
"What the one in Italy!? Oh my god we have to come visit."
"Well you'll be on set with me for 3 weeks because your mother is going on tour remember?"
"Wahooooooo!! Dad you're the best!"
"That's not permission to hound my co star though."
"What food can we have on set Dad?"
"God you kids are so different it's scary."
"We have to go, I've got dance and Jack has piano, love you Dad!"
"Bye kids, I love you too."

Johnny smiled at his phone, his two gods were his children, some days the only reason he kept going was because of them, he knew he had put them through so much. Separating from their mother at such a young age, then dragging them to hell and back with his former wife can't have been easy, but they seemed to be recovering well from it all. He missed them dearly when he was away for work but he hoped to be reunited with them in the next week or so which would be good. He finished his beer before deciding to call it a night. Hardly the rockstar lifestyle that had been painted in the tabloids recently.

Lexie curled up in her bed after completing her skincare and setting her alarms, she had a feeling this upcoming project would be good for her, to get away, see the world and not to mention acting alongside an incredibly talented man.

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