Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Four

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"I'm so bored!!!" Lexie said throwing her head gently back against the headboard. This was her 6th day on bed rest and she was not behaving like the best patient. Johnny was downstairs finalising some paperwork as Lexie stretched her legs out on the bed stroking her bump. "Oh I know it's to keep you safe and happy but my god I'm not very good at this." She said looking down. She was rewarded with a jab to her lower ribs and smiled, although it was uncomfortable it was a clear sign their baby was happy and they had noticed a familiar pattern when talking to the bump. "And we'll be lucky if your Daddy lets us out the house in the first year because right now I'm barely allowed to go to the toilet, let alone anything extravagant like going to make a cup of tea!" "You want a cup of tea? I can make you one." Johnny said from the doorway smiling. "How long have you been there?" She smiled embarrassingly. "Not long.. enough for you to give me the idea to lock you all up in our house for a year to keep you all safe." "Now now, that wasn't a suggestion it was a complaint." "Still worth baring in mind." Johnny smirked before approaching the bed. "So do you want some tea?" He asked sweetly. "No not really but I'm bored and thought that would help." She giggled. "You're always bored when you're not going a million miles per hour." "I can't help it, I'm not used to sitting and doing nothing for endless amounts of time. I've not stopped working since I was 7... it's who I am." Johnny patted her leg "Well those last baby bits are being delivered tomorrow that's something to look forward to isn't it? If you're lucky I might even allow you into the nursery to supervise me putting the clothes away and building that bloody chair." Lexie laughed out loud. "You're gonna build it?" "Yes. Of course. Why?" "It's just the cot build went so well... not." "Ok tell me one man who doesn't have to call in back up when doing DIY." "John, you had Sean, Travis and Stephen here. At one point you text Dad too." "Yeah well I had binned the instructions hadn't  I.. it looked simple enough. This will be different. It's only a bouncy bugaboo Doo chair isn't it?" "I'm not sure if that's its actual name." Lexie smiled continuing to stroke her bump.

An hour or so later, Johnny re emerged in the bedroom door way. "Ok... big news... if you promise to do exactly as you're told and let me do all the work then I have a surprise for you." He said proudly. "A surprise?" Lexie questioned. "Yes a surprise but ONLY if you follow the good doctor's and my orders got it?" "You're not a Captain now Johnny." "Try me luv..." "Ok I promise." Lexie's curiosity grew by the second. Johnny approached and scooped her off the bed bridal style "What, so I can't even walk?" She said. His eyebrows raised. "It's just your ankle. You'll do more damage with a big weight like me." "Oh please there's nothing of you kitten." Johnny said heading to the bedroom door.

They made their way down stairs and Johnny carefully navigated his way through the living area and kitchen out onto the patio. Lexie's eyes widened, she was confused, and was equally thankful she had her loungewear on as opposed to her cami shorts and vest top pyjamas as the late September evening temperatures hit her body. He wandered half way down the garden where he had pulled the day beds together, and it looked like he had thrown all the blankets and cushions they owned onto them. He gently placed her down on one, and tucked her in with a passionate kiss before rushing off back into the house. He returned with a tray, it had snacks on, and two champagne flutes with an ice bucket. Her eyebrows furrowed as she spotted the bottle of bubbly sat in it. He placed the tray on the nearby table that had been moved and climbed into the makeshift bed beside her. "It's non alcoholic I don't know what it will be like but Travis found it for us." Lexie smiled, as he opened his arms and pulled her close, "lean on me, I know you shouldn't be on your back too long." She nodded as she rested her head on his shoulder and got comfortable. "I thought we could do our own little stargazing like we did on the island many moons ago." Lexie smiled and lent up to kiss his cheek. "This is wonderful." She smiled. "Thank you."

"Remember that time you practically invited yourself over for dinner?" Lexie giggled from beside Johnny. She had a glass of the non alcoholic stuff in her hand and it tasted ok. It wasn't the nicest wine but she was so touched at the gesture. "Hey... I did not. I merely wanted to see you and you offered to cook for me anyway." Johnny chuckled. "True... maybe I liked spending time with you." "If only we had worked it out sooner hey..." "I know.. still I wouldn't change it would you?" Lexie said. "I would change you getting hurt, and try to protect you more, but our experiences make us who we are, so I wouldn't interfere too much with our story." Lexie stretched onto her other side and Johnny saw as she clenched her jaw. "You ok?" He asked. "Yeah just as I'm getting bigger and bigger it's hard to stay in one position for so long. Plus YOUR child is kicking the shit out of my ribs." She giggled. "Oh now it's my child? Is that how it's gonna be?" "Yes it is.. especially when he's running off to join rock bands and whatnot. Then he will definitely be YOUR son." Lexie smirked, "And what if it's a girl?" "A girl with your incredible looks and charm... god help us." Lexie said giggling. "I hope she takes after you." Johnny said before Lexie was leaning back on her elbows now, and made to grab his hand, placing it on her bump where she could feel the kicks. "God you're strong aren't you?" Johnny said mainly to the baby making Lexie smile. "Please try and lay off Mamma she's having a tough time as it is." "Don't tell baby that!! I like feeling the kicks!! It makes it all worth while!" Lexie said jokingly rolling her eyes. "Ok ok. Sorry you can kick mama but just try and be gentle ok?"

The pair laid under the stars for a fair few hours before Johnny checked the time and insisted Lexie needed to be back in bed and asleep. "It's important you get as much rest as you can now darling." "I guess." She said trying to hide a yawn. How could she be tired? She had done literally nothing today. She hadn't even walked down the stairs! "Do you think you can manage whilst I tidy all this?!" Johnny said sweetly. "Can I help?" Lexie said feeling guilty. "Absolutely not... go get yourself ready for bed and I'll be there soon..." he kissed her passionately before she headed off indoors, getting an idea of her own to surprise Johnny.

Rummaging through her drawers, she found what she was looking for. She tried to don the silk negligee but it was incredibly tight, even though it was a maternity one she had picked up only a month or so ago. She looked in the mirror and laughed at her reflection, she was actually bursting out of it, so pretty much ripped that off without a care in the world. She pulled out another drawer and grabbed what she needed. Finally something that fit her expanding waist, her growing boobs but didn't restrict her bump.

Meanwhile, Johnny after avoiding smoking in Lexie's company, managed to chain smoke whilst tidying the makeshift bed away and have one final smoke whilst finishing his whisky on the patio before locking up the back doors and heading upstairs. He was glad to make his wife smile, he knew she was struggling with everything but would do anything for their baby, and that was why it was so hard for her. He got to the top of the stairs and headed into the master bedroom to find Lexie sat on the edge of the bed, a few candles were lit around the room and the lamp was on low, the view of his wife did things to him. She was an Angel, and he didn't think he could love her anymore than he did right in that moment.

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