Chapter Forty One

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The day finally arrived for Lexie's premiere. She had dosed up on as much pain relief as she could before needing to don her dress. Her parents planned to accompany her and although the original plan would be to walk the red carpet, introduce the movie and leave, now that Their Royal Highnesses had confirmed their attendance, Lexie insisted on staying for the entire evening and watching the movie.

Johnny had been staying at her place for a good few weeks now and seemed very comfortable there. This evening he was going to Stephen and Gina's house to discuss a few work related things with them but planned to return late once Lexie had arrived back from her premiere. He sat on the bed watching his girl get her make up done and smiled to himself. He was glad she was being pampered she deserved it. She also looked exceptionally beautiful and her mother was so right, old school Hollywood glam suited her. Finally it was time for her to put the dress on and although it proved difficult initially, her reaction once it was on softened everyone. She beamed as she looked in the mirror, and Johnny looked on proudly. Tom knocked on the bedroom door in a full on tux "The car's are ready, how are we getting on in here?" His sentence stopped when he saw his daughter. "My god, you look beautiful Lexie." His daughter smiled and lent in to cuddle him avoiding hurting herself further. Her mother who had donned her dress only moments before looked equally as elegant, and took her husband's arm as they left the room. Lexie turned to Johnny who was immediately nervous playing with the rings on his hand. "Wow. You look fucking outrageously stunning my darling." Lexie smiled "Why, thank you." "I'll miss you tonight." "I'll miss you more doll. I've kinda got used to being around you all the time." Lexie smiled "it's only a few hours, it's ok we will survive." "Hope so. Travis is under strict instructions to not leave your side ok? I don't care what anyone says, he will guard you with his life." Lexie nodded biting her lip. She was incredibly nervous as always but even more so at the thought of the large crowds. "Johnny, there will be royalty there, security will be tight." "Well I want it even tighter when it comes to you." He kissed her head before tipping her chin and kissing her passionately. "Knock 'em dead doll." Lexie smiled before Johnny took her hand and led her out the room helping her down the stairs.

The roar from the crowd when Travis held his hand out to help Lexie out the car at the red carpet was huge, it made Lexie beam. She was so thankful to all who supported her. Travis guided her to the first initial steps before her very own Bond, Daniel Craig appeared out of nowhere helping her up, to the untrained eye they looked like two chivalrous men but Lexie knew she would almost fall if it wasn't for them. "God, you look amazing, I hope you're ok." Daniel said leaning into kiss her on the cheek. "Thank you, I love the tux. Pink?" "Well it could be my last outing, I wanted to go out in style." Lexie smiled and was about to respond but heard her name being yelled by the crowd. Travis carefully guided her over to the barriers where she was a little apprehensive but did what she could posing for selfies and signing autographs. She greeted as many of her supporters as she could, and so many of them offered her a speedy recovery and well wishes.

After a while, it was time for her and Daniel to pose in front of the cameras. They yelled their names over and over. All trying to get the best shot, Lexie was fuming especially as most of these photographers were probably the same vultures who snapped her photo a little under a month ago lying in the gutter, but she did it knowing a good photo of her and Daniel would be the money shot. Daniel had his arm round her and his hand resting on her hip. "Look at me" he whispered. Lexie turned and looked up at Daniel. "Does anything hurt?" Lexie shook her head touched that he thought to ask. "Ok well just tell me when you've had enough." Lexie nodded and continued smiling. They were interviewed by journalists from around the world, mainly being asked the same questions over and over but Lexie knew this was all part of the big promotion.

The rest of their Co stars had already been shown into the venue as they waited for the royal arrival. Luckily somebody had thought to sneak a chair in a discreet place behind all of the marketing posters for Lexie to take a moment. She sat and tried to get as comfortable as she could but then a fanfare was heard. She practically jumped out of her skin, and stood with difficulty making her way back to the red carpet and walked back down it with Daniel by her side. The royals had already climbed out the car and were waving to the crowds, as the two film stars approached.

"Your royal highnesses, welcome." Daniel said bowing his head. Lexie followed suit,
"It's wonderful to see you again, thank you for coming." She curtsied to them both even though she was in great pain, she was a royalist, she knew protocol. They turned and walked back up the red carpet slowly pausing to pose for a moment before heading inside. The Prince and Princess were shown to the royal box whilst Daniel and Lexie were shown to the stage to introduce the movie. It didn't take long before they were shown to their seats, that were beside the royals in the box.

They had a few moments to make small talk before the movie started. Lexie sat in her chair next to the princess, "I read what happened to you, I was awfully concerned, how is your recovery now?" She asked. "Oh I'm doing ok thank you. It's rather painful, but I'm getting there." "Well I'm glad to hear it, and what a trooper you are, coming out and doing all this, it's really inspiring." "Thank you very much. I appreciate you saying that." "You're very welcome, it's always good to see young women who are in the public eye providing inspiration to others." Lexie smiled and was touched at her words.

Much later on she had fulfilled her commitments and was in the car heading home. Johnny had text to say he had finished with Stephen and Gina and would probably arrive back at a similar time. She was completely worn out and had kindly asked her parents to go straight home, she wanted to sleep badly. As they pulled up, there were photographers waiting at her gates and she rolled her eyes. Wasn't it enough that she just walked a red carpet? She was also irritated that they would see Johnny arrive too and they would end up spreading further rumours too. Finally Travis stopped the car and helped Lexie into the house, she was in agony and slowly made her way upstairs even though the deputy of security insisted she waited for Johnny. She was almost crawling by the time she got to the top and slowly entered her bedroom, she finally made it to the bed sitting down and slowly unzipping the side zip of her dress. It did little to relieve the pain but at least it wasn't tight around the bruising on her chest and tummy anymore. Finally she heard the beautiful voice of Johnny. "Where is she?" He asked sweetly, she heard Travis direct him straight upstairs and heard footsteps leaping up the staircase. Within seconds he was in the bedroom. "Well? How was it darling?" He said smiling. "Amazing. But I'm in agony now." Johnny grimaced when he heard her voice, he knew his girl wasn't one to normally make a fuss. "I'll get you some meds hang on." "No Johnny please just get me out this dress." She practically begged. Normally the actor would love a request like that from the girl he was seeing however in this circumstance he knew it was because of how much pain she was in. He slowly knelt in front of her sliding the straps down her arms and pulling the zipper down fully. He let it pool at her waist, he couldn't take his eyes off the bruising. He knew what it was like to be battered and bruised and he hated that this beautiful creature had been too. He gently lent his head in and gently kissed the bruises. He moved from her left side to right and then back again, making his way slowly lower across her rib cage and tummy. When he was done he slowly looked up at her and she was smiling. She ran her fingers through his hair. "I wish you could kiss away the pain." "Me too darling."

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