Chapter Eighteen

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It was late October, and a few weeks after Lexie's birthday. It was a busy time for the Donnington family. Lexie was travelling to LA to work on an American Netflix series that she starred in, her father was a day away from jetting off to South Africa for one of the network's most popular shows all year, and her mother was working closely with her team on a well known series that lasted until Christmas. All three of them would be separated for around 4 weeks but they knew the drill, this had been happening for years now.

She was now sat in Business class on the long haul flight to Los Angeles. The just turned 32 year old had bid goodbye to her parents and Murphy this morning, her mum as always was an emotional wreck but it helped knowing that Gary, his wife Ava and their four children resided in LA most of the time so Lexie had somewhere to go if she needed anything. The flight had been well on its way for a few hours when the air steward approached Lexie, she removed her AirPods "Excuse me madam, I am sorry to interrupt but we have a little girl sat over there who has spotted you and is desperate to meet you. Would that be ok?" Lexie knew the drill, that was one downside to being famous, even on a plane she was hounded. She caught a glimpse of the little girl who couldn't have been older than 8 and smiled. "Sure thing, I'll be over in a second." The hostess smiled and left. The brunette got up and patted herself down, neatening herself up before walking over to the little girl and her family. "Hi!" Lexie said cheerfully, crouching down, the girl went super shy cuddling into her mother. "What's your name?" "My name is Ellie." "Ah well it's nice to meet you Ellie, I am Lexie." The little girl jumped up and wrapped her arms round Lexie. The elder reached out to the parents of the little girl "Hi! I'm Sally," "and I'm David," "well it's great to meet you guys." "Thank you so much for coming over to meet her, she's a huge fan." "God she doesn't seem old enough. I was doing kids stuff way before she was born!" "Well the re runs are amazing, and now with Disney Plus." Lexie nodded and shrugged "Yes I hadn't thought, I suppose it's there forever now isn't it." Ellie had finally let go of Lexie. "Can my mum take a photo?" "Sure!" The star put her arm around the child smiling. "Thank you so much!!" "No problem at all. Have a safe trip guys," Lexie returned to her seat and continued watching the film.

Johnny was in his house in Sweetzer, when he heard the Tv that had been on in the background "That's right folks, later this month we will be joined by the British Sweetheart Lexie Donnington." Johnny knew Lexie was heading to LA. Since her birthday they had pretty much been texting all day ever day, but he didn't realise she was doing press straight away, mind you Ellen's show was hardly ever hard work and it was usually pre recorded anyway. He grabbed his phone and dropped her a text.

Hey doll, safe trip to LA today. Text me when you land so I know you arrived in Tinseltown ok. Just seen you're on Ellen. She's a blast. Love and Respect JD xx

He mooched around his house for a few hours, he hated when the kids were at Vanessa's it was too quiet without them, luckily Stephen and Gina would be home soon from their lunch and he could forget that he was single and in the mess he was in. Thankfully a text interrupted his sad thoughts.

Thanks! Landed about an hour ago. Just in the car on the way to hotel, I'm shattered. Hope all ok with you? Xx

Good to hear. Where are you staying? All ok here thanks doll. Nothing new to report. Xxx

Beverly Wiltshire... xxx

Nice. How long for? Xxx

I've got the suite for the month xxx

Wow, you're here that long? Do you have thanksgiving plans? You're welcome to come join in the festivities here.Xx

yes four weeks, oh that's sweet thank you, but I have plans with Gary and Ava, thank you though xxx

No sweat. You're welcome anytime, and shout if you need anything. I mean it. Xx

Thank you x

Lexie made her way into the lobby and checked in, her bags were taken up to the suite and she followed shortly after. As far as hotels go, this was one of the best and she adored staying here. It was elegant, and all the staff were super friendly. She made her way into the suite and saw flowers and chocolates on the table. The card read

Knock it out the park darling girl. We will miss you so much, but we are so proud of who you are. All our love, Mumma and Papa xx

The card made her smile and instantly made the hotel suite feel more like home. She was normally a stickler for organisation and tidiness but the jet lag was getting to her so she decided to order room service, before showering and getting into bed.

Johnny was soon joined by Stephen and Gina who returned from their day. "You ok John?" "Yeah I'm fine. How far would you say the Beverly Wilshire is from here?" He said randomly. "God I don't know depends on traffic, why?" said a confused Gina. "Just curious. Do you think I could make it there and back tomorrow before we need to leave for that thing?" "That thing? Do you mean the meeting with the production company?" "Yes that." "Umm well let's see from here to there 20 mins? Depends how long you wanna be there, and allowing Johnny time, I would say as long as you left first thing and was back here by midday, you would be able to make it work. Why?" "Umm well that's where Lexie is staying so I thought I would drop some essentials off to her, you know make it feel more homely?" Gina nodded slowly, biting her lip, "That sounds sweet. Sure, want me to organise a hamper?" "Umm yeah I was thinking, the English breakfast tea you like, biscuits, chocolate, wine?" "Sure thing, leave it with me Johnny."

The next morning, Lexie awoke feeling a lot more refreshed than when she had arrived. It was just gone 5am, no matter how much she had traveled to America she never beat the jet lag the first days after arriving. She jumped out of bed and opened the balcony doors, letting the Californian sunshine pour in. One thing she loved about working here was the fact it had just got all cold and rainy back home and now she had the beautiful blue skies of LA for a few weeks. Lucky her.

She had showered, blow dried her hair and watched an entire movie whilst eating the room service breakfast all before 9am. She was just deciding what to do with her day, when her phone rang, she assumed it was Gary asking her to pop over and see the kids.
"Hey!!" She said cheerfully.
"Hey doll!"
"Oh Johnny, Hi!"
"Sorry, were you expecting somebody else?"
"No, don't be silly, I was just surprised to hear from you!"
"Ah well I am hoping it's a happy surprise?"
"Of course."
"Good because I have a favour to ask..."
"Go on..."
"Could you allow me access please?"
"I'm sorry?"
"Well I kinda have popped down here to see you and welcome you to the dark side.. aka Tinseltown and I was told, well Sean was told, I didn't want to go into the lobby myself and cause a stir..."
"Sorry.. short story, they are telling Sean you're not staying here and to leave?"
"Ahhh because I'm booked under an alter ego!!"
"Don't tell me, I've got to ask to see Hannah Montana?"
Lexie actually belly laughed at this idea and seriously considered telling Johnny to do just that but she relented.
"No the suite is under the name Lauren Davidson. I'll call now and ensure to let you up."
"ahhh, thanks doll, see you shortly."

Lexie quickly made the call to the reception asking to speak to the manager, who politely accepted her explanation and agreed to send her guest up. The star rushed round hiding her mess from unpacking and storing the suitcases in the spare room before deciding to make coffee for them both whilst she waited. Finally a knock on the door was heard and she answered it, firstly greeted by a butler and then Johnny appeared holding a huge hamper.

"Welcome to LA!" He said cheerfully attempting to half hug her with his hands full. "What is all this?" Lexie enquired as she closed the door. "Just some essentials to make it feel more like home." Lexie smiled sweetly examining the basket, it was jam packed with tea, biscuits, sweets, wine, a few books that her and Johnny had discussed. "Wow, thank you so so much. That's beyond sweet." "You're welcome, nice place." "Yeah it's swish right? They've refurbed it since I last stayed here." Lexie passed Johnny a coffee, and he smiled "You know me well clearly." "That I do." She giggled as they headed out to the balcony and sat at the bistro table. "It's good to be back." "You like it here?" "Very much so. I considered moving out here before the pandemic, when shit hit the pan with my Dad, and my parents had a lot of trouble I just needed to escape, seems weird wanting to escape to this fishbowl but Malibu is lovely and I have a few friends there." "Wow, nice, I love it by the coast, I'm a little more in land but wanted and needed the space." "That makes sense." "You'll have to come over at some point. I've been to your place loads." "Sure I'd like that."

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