Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen

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"There you are. Cooking nicely. I would anticipate bang on 12 weeks give a day or so." The midwife Laura announced as she was scanning Lexie's tummy. "Wow.." Lexie whispered with tears pooling in her eyes. Her fear of miscarrying had remained strong even though they had made it this far. Johnny stood beside his wife holding her hand, his thumb brushing the back of hers reassuringly. "I'll let you guys watch that for a few moments whilst I go get my notes." Laura said with a smile, Johnny sat down on the edge of the bed beside his wife. "That's our little baby Lex!" Lexie smiled biting her lip. "I know. It feels so real now." Johnny smiled, the only noise in the room was the whooshing sound of the heartbeat playing from the monitor. "I know you're scared darling, but this time it's different, I promise you." She nodded before turning to watch the screen again. "You just stay safe and tucked up in there little one ok?" Lexie whispered but Johnny heard.

An hour later, the couple were heading home to the London house, multiple copies of sonograms were tucked safely in Lexie's handbag. This time round Travis and Sean had been told that Lexie was expecting shortly after the couple found out themselves, so the foursome were happily chatting about the newest Depp family member. "God I hope it's a boy. I don't know how Lenny does it chasing after Lily, all those boys wanting to get friendly with her." Travis smirked from the front. "Try being her father!" Johnny chuckled. "What if it's twins? That'll seriously put a spanner in the works." "I can safely say there was only one baby on that monitor." Lexie smiled. "Sean, will you head straight to my parent's house?" Lexie said smiling. Johnny looked at her proudly. "Can't wait to tell them?" "Well I know they'll be over the moon, and mum has always been good at keeping me calm. Maybe it will help, you know?" Johnny nodded. "I just wish the kids would hurry up and get here." "Me too!!" Lexie said giggling.

"Mum.. it's us... hello.." "Oh darling what a lovely surprise!! You should have called! I could have done brunch." Lizzie said coming down the stairs. "Oh don't be silly, we just wanted to pop in." Lexie hugged her mother close before Johnny greeted her. They made their way into the living area and as usual the dog barely lifted its head off the sofa. "Is Dad home?" "Yeah he's tinkering in the garden something about his new wedge iron or something?" Lizzie giggled offering coffee. Johnny happily accepted whilst Lexie declined knowing too much caffeine was bad for the baby. She went outside to greet her father who was as equally happy yet surprised at his daughter's visit, and they soon all gathered in the living area. Sean and Travis had made themselves at home at the dining table and were enjoying being fussed over by Lizzie.

"The tour looks amazing, we are so excited for the London date Johnny." Lizzie said smiling. "Ah yes, we are having fun Lizzie, I can't wait for this coming week. The UK has a special place in my heart especially now." He said wrapping an arm round his wife, Lizzie smiled as Tom sat down beside his wife putting the last of the coffee mugs down. "So what have you guys been up to since you've been home?" Lizzie asked her daughter. "Not much mum, but there was a reason we came to see you." "Oh?" Tom asked concerned. Lexie grabbed her bag and slowly pulled out a copy of the scan photograph. "We are having a baby!!" Lexie said smiling. "Oh darling!" Lizzie jumped up and wrapped her arms around her daughter. "Congratulations!" Lizzie said cupping her daughter's face. "How do you feel?" The mother sat next to her child as Tom stood and hugged Johnny "Congratulations son. That's great news." "I'm ok mum, I've felt quite nauseous at times, more than before, but I'm ok." "Look at our grandchild." Lizzie said taking the scan and passing it to Tom. "Well, look at that! I remember your first scan Lex. I felt positively sick with nerves, how was I going to take care of your mother let alone this tiny little thing." Lexie giggled and cuddled her father. "Congratulations poppet." They all resided back in their seats and excitedly spoke about the unborn baby. "So you're still on tour with the guys?" Tom asked skeptically. "Yes, I don't need to be anywhere and I want to spend as much time as possible with Johnny." "That makes sense darling. When are you due?" "Early November they think." "Ahh how exciting!" Lizzie clapped her hands together before giggling once again. Johnny squeezed his wife's hand.

Later they returned home and dismissed the security team. Lexie opted to lay on the L part of the couch, and Johnny entered the living area after smoking out in the garden. "Doll.. you ok?" "Yeah I'm just tired. I didn't sleep much last night waiting for the appointment." "Well why don't you take a nap? We aren't due for dinner with Kate and Jamie until 7." "Yeah I guess..." she said half yawning. He smirked at his wife before  scooping her up into his arms. He climbed the stairs cautiously "Johnny! Your ankle! Be careful!" Lexie said giggling but within moments they were entering the master bedroom, and he was lying his wife on the bed. "Lay with me?" She asked sweetly. "Of course." He kissed her nose and jumped on his side of the bed beside her. He placed a hand on her stomach, there wasn't any sign she was pregnant yet, just a slightly bloated tummy as he gently stroked it. "I love you so much darling. Thank you for this gift." She smiled "I love you too Johnny." They kissed once more before he moved closer to her "Rest... that's an order." He smirked.

An hour or so later, Lexie awoke in her husband's arms, she felt refreshed and better than she had before. Johnny was still holding her close and had manoeuvred a book to rest on his tummy that he was reading intently, she got lost in the words for a while before lifting her head and kissing his cheek. "How do you feel?" "Much better thank you." "Good. I still think we need to keep an eye on that sickness. Last time I thought you had severe morning sickness but you wouldn't listen to me." "I know and I'm sorry." He smiled "No need to apologise, just let me take care of you for once." "God this is going to be a long 6 months isn't it?" She giggled. "Hell yeah darling. If I had my way you would be on bed rest starting now." She rolled her eyes before sitting up. "What time are the guys coming to get us?" "6 doll. Why?" "So we've got time for a shower then?" Johnny nodded before catching her meaning. He checked his watch dramatically before saying "In fact. I think we've got time to get dirty and then have a shower yes." He smirked before kissing her passionately.

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