Chapter Thirty Five

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The evening came to an end, Lexie followed by Kate began to network and mingle, speaking to everyone she needed to from her record label and making sure they were happy with her performance. As usual many people within the industry were throwing after parties and the brunette and her bestie received many invites, the last invitation was from a guy called Matt who was in a band Lexie had worked with a few years ago. "We are heading off now but do come join us? It's pretty exclusive and I would love to have you as my date." The tall dark and handsome man said. "Oh that's very kind of you, but we do have plans, thank you though." "Oh that's disappointing. How about next time I'm in London we hook up? As long as you promise to not write a song about me after though." "I really am flattered but I am kinda seeing somebody right now." "Well call me if your plans change." He kissed Lexie on the cheek and left his hands on her waist a little too longer than necessary but she didn't think too much of it until later in the car when she checked her phone.

That kid thinks he can steal my woman does he? And as if you hook up randomly with band members who come to London. I've sent a car for you girls to the hotel. Travis will meet you. X x x

Ha. Don't get jealous. He's got nothing on you. However, I hooked up with you when you came to London in December? Remember? That's very kind of you. Thank you. Shall I text him? Xx

That was different... I'll send him to your suite if that's ok? Might need to use a back entrance to leave. Is Kate ok with coming? Xxx

Ok. We will be super quick. Yes she's very excited, thank you for inviting her over. Xxxxx

No problem. Take as long as you need. And god don't thank me. The more the merrier. Xxx

Finally Lexie and Kate returned to their hotel suite and changed into something a little more casual. Lexie opted for a leather look dress and heels, whilst Kate chose some leather trousers and a black off the shoulder top. They sat gossiping on the couch until Lexie's phone rang.
"Hey Lexie, it's me Travis,"
"Hey Travis. Everything ok?"
"Yeah but the front of hotel is surrounded by paps. We are going to come into the underground car park and then I'll come get you both and we'll leave out the back. Are you girls ready?"
"We sure are. Thank you for going to all this trouble Travis."
"Not a problem Miss Donnington."

"Ok are you ready Kate?" The bubbly blonde nodded "Does this not get you down?" "What?" "The sneaking around, the constant harassment?" "You've been around long enough to know I don't enjoy it but it comes with the job. Besides we have to protect the children. Neither Johnny or I want this to go public until we are 100% sure." "Yeah I get that." "When do you think you'll meet his kids?" "Oh gosh a long way off yet. Besides they know of me, we spent some time together last summer." "Yeah I know but surely once they've met you then you can go public." "I guess, we haven't really spoken about it yet."

After an hour they found themselves at Sweetzer. Lexie had only been there twice, but found it a fairly welcoming home. As they entered the foyer, Johnny welcomed them both with a drink each "I am so sorry that we are late, it was harder to get out the hotel than we imagined, plus some press followed us." "No worries doll, you're here now." "Thanks for having us Johnny" Kate added. "No problem, leave your bags here. I'll show you up later if that's ok Kate?" "Oh amazing, again thank you." The three of them entered the sitting room where the Hollywood vampires and their wives were all together as well as some of Johnny's other friends. Lexie and Kate were introduced to everyone before sitting on the couch beside Johnny. His hand immediately rested on Lexie's thigh. "I have to say FUCKING incredible performance Lexie." Isaac said to the star making her blush. "Oh thank you. I enjoyed it." "Damn right so you should. You've worked hard on that album." Johnny added proudly.

The next morning Lexie awoke face down into a pillow in one of the biggest beds she had ever slept in. Her head hurt slightly and she knew she definitely needed more sleep but her body was fighting her for some reason. She heard light snoring coming from next to her and she was pleased to find Johnny was quite content lying on his back fast asleep with the bed sheets loosely round his waist showing off his toned chest, and arms. It was then she noticed he looked as if he was naked. She rolled over onto her back and realised she was completely naked too. She held her hand to her face desperately trying to work out and remember how the night went. She thought back to the drinks, the music, the laughter and games they all played.


"For Fuck Sake, you can put her down Johnny." Said Alice. "What do you mean?" Said a surprised Johnny. "I mean you literally haven't taken your hands off the girl since she arrived." Lexie blushed profusely, her and Johnny just seemed to be close and a little handsy but she didn't realise others had noticed. "Tell me about it, they are like love sick teenagers." Added her best friend. Lexie turned to Kate in shock "Hey! We are nothing compared to you and Jamie. My god that boy is smitten. He literally chases you around like a dog in heat." Everyone in the room chuckled. "So Lexie, what's the plan for the summer?" Alice's wife asked. "Actually I've got a busy few months up until the end of the press tour and then I have the summer off thank fuck. Usually I gatecrash either Kate's or our other best friend Emily's holiday, you know proper third wheel and all that." Lexie giggled. "Yeah last year we gave up trying to go away as a couple because Lexie kept gatecrashing so in the end we got a Villa for the 5 of us in France." "I love France" Johnny muttered. "Me too" Lexie replied and they both turned to look at one another before stealing a kiss.

Later on, after many stolen kisses from one another, Johnny had shown everyone out or to their respective guest bedrooms whilst Lexie had stayed with him following him round. Finally they made it up to his bedroom where after shutting the door she pounced on the sexy man. Kissing him passionately, before leaving a trail of kisses down his jaw and neck. When she felt like she couldn't get any closer to him she jumped into his arms wrapping her legs round his waist before he manoeuvred them to the bed. There was a lot of hot steamy heavy petting, as clothing was discarded. The passionate kisses left them gasping for breath more than once before the inevitable happened.

*End of Flashback*

Lexie groaned remembering the events and slowly sat up, it seemed reality matched her thoughts as she saw all her clothes scattered around the floor with Johnny's. She slowly laid back down slightly embarrassed that her desires had got the better of her but after all he was Johnny Depp. The man in question slowly opened his eyes. He was a little jaded to say the least and quickly spotted he was butt naked which didn't usually concern him but the fact he was struggling to piece together the evening made him a little anxious. Finally he rolled over and spotted a naked but flustered Lexie. "Morning.." he whispered. "I don't think it's morning anymore.. we didn't go to bed until the sun came up." Lexie whispered back. "Can I ask you something?" Johnny asked. Lexie nodded "Yes. Go on." "Are you naked too?" Lexie blushed. She was convinced Johnny remembered her very forward actions from last night. "Yes." Johnny nodded "And umm.. we, umm, we did sleep together then?" Lexie's eyes widened. "Do you not remember?" "Don't get mad but it's hazy." "It is for me too." "Oh thank fuck I'm not the only one." "I would say judging by our attire, the fact our clothes are all over the floor and from what I remember I would say it's more than likely we did." Lexie said making Johnny chuckle. "I can't believe, I didn't give you an unforgettable experience." He joked. Lexie shrugged "I guess you'll just have to make it up to me." Johnny smirked "You know I have heard that Mind blowing sex gets rid of all traces of a hangover." "I would like to test that theory." Lexie said before kissing Johnny.

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