Chapter Seventy Two

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*Trigger warning*

Johnny and Lexie had enjoyed a wonderful week with the children, Lily-Rose and Jack were a delight to be around and Lexie loved their company. She was sad to see them go yesterday but understood they needed to spend time with their mother too.

Lexie woke up feeling rather tired and sickly. She had gotten over the worst of the morning sickness but it had come back every now and then, she rolled over into Johnny's arms and snuggled up close. He kissed her head pulling her body flush with his. "I don't feel great. Can we just stay in bed today?" Lexie asked without even opening her eyes. "Sounds like a plan to me darling." Johnny mumbled back.

Hours later they had done nothing but relax and lay in bed, finally Lexie found the energy to get up. She still felt rough and put it down to a full on busy week. She made her way downstairs and made some tea before sitting on the couch. Johnny soon joined her after a smoke and put an arm round her. "Are you ok?" "Yeah I just feel very off. I think it's just the sickness." "Can I get you anything?" "No I'm good just with you here." Johnny smiled at his girl kissing her.

A few hours later after a rather large takeaway order, Lexie still didn't feel great, and decided to have a bath. Johnny immediately wanted to join her as it was their new favourite thing to do. They headed into the en suite and Lexie sat on the edge of the bath tub as she ran the taps to an acceptable temperature , she added oils and salts to the tub. She slowly stood and grimaced. "You ok?" "Yeah I just felt something. I read online that it's your muscles moving, stretching and stuff." Johnny kissed her head "I'm sorry you're not feeling great doll. I wish there was more I could do." Lexie smiled before beginning to undress "You always make me feel better. Now especially.." she said as she began to undress him too. He smirked as he assisted her with the task. They sunk down in the tub and Johnny began rubbing Lexie's shoulders. She gasped at how good it felt, his fingers really worked some magic as he worked the knots out of her neck and shoulders. "We haven't really discussed but what do you want doll, a boy or a girl?" Johnny asked. Lexie's eyes opened "Goodness I hadn't really thought. I guess everyone would assume a girl because I'm a girly girl but I really don't mind. I think the idea of a cute Johnny Junior running round would be adorable." She giggled "See I happen to think a cute Lexie Junior would be even sweeter." Johnny said as he continued to massage her shoulders "Let's agree to disagree shall we?" She smirked. "As long as the baby is happy and healthy who cares hey, we can have a whole army of kids later on." Johnny said chuckling.

After climbing out the bath once the water went cold, Johnny wrapped his girl in a large towel, he kissed her before sending her on her way to bed. She changed into one of his tees as the humid summer made her want to wear as little as possible and climbed under the sheets. She began all her skincare and then laid back in the bed awaiting the arrival of her boyfriend. He finally climbed into bed after a few cigarettes downstairs, he had returned to the room with a glass of water and some plain biscuits to help settle her tummy. "I'll be so fat by the end of this pregnancy, all you do is feed me crap." She giggled as she tucked into the pile of biscuits he left on her bedside table. "You'll never be fat my darling." He said as he climbed in beside her with his book. As Lexie snuggled close to Johnny she said "Promise you won't laugh..." "Go on." He said as he removed his glasses "read to me?" "What?" "Please read to me? I love your voice, it's so soothing." Johnny smiled and replaced his glasses as he began reading his book out loud. Lexie was asleep within the hour, and Johnny followed a while later at a more normal time for him.

As Lexie opened her eyes she saw it was completely dark, almost pitch black, she sat up and took a sip of her water before beginning to wonder what had woken her, then she felt a sharp stabbing pain in her tummy, it took her breath away. She slowly laid back down and caught her breath as it passed. It felt peculiar and strange. Her back was also cramping too which didn't feel great. Just as she managed to calm herself down it happened again. This time much stronger, she gasped loudly. She grabbed hold of Johnny's arm and tried to shake him awake. "Johnny. Johnny" she said loudly. Johnny stirred slightly but wasn't fully awake. "Please wake up Johnny." Lexie practically begged in a whisper as a wave of pain overtook her again. This alarmed him and he rolled over opening his eyes, he could barely make out her petite frame sat up in bed. "Doll? What is it? Another nightmare?" "No, I'm in pain." Johnny sat up and put the bedside lamp on, pushing his hair out of his face. As he turned back to look at his girl, he saw how pale she was and how scared she looked. He began to comfort her, but then was startled by what he saw. "Darling, you're bleeding" he said solemnly. Lexie's eyes widened as she jumped out of bed and rushed into the en suite. She quickly returned and threw on a black loungewear set before saying "Johnny we have to get to the hospital." He nodded donning some jeans and a tee. The couple rushed down the stairs and grabbed the car keys. Johnny could tell Lexie was in no fit state to drive, and he rarely drove, but knew he had to right now as he pulled out his phone calling Sean and Travis.

They arrived at the hospital in record time, luckily traffic was nowhere to be found at 3:30am in the morning. They managed to park the car and head in to the maternity ward. It all became a blur after that. Lexie was hooked up to many machines, but nobody seemed to have any answers yet. Sean and Travis arrived and alerted their boss with a phone call, he left Lexie's room where her vitals were being checked yet again and met them in the corridor. "Sir? What happened?" "I have no idea, she felt a bit sick and off during the day, we had an early night, and now she's cramping and bleeding." He saw his two employees faces drop. He knew cramping and bleeding this far into pregnancy was not normal, he just hoped that it didn't mean what he thought it did. "Sir? Do you need anything?" "No I'm good, thanks for coming. Could somebody take Lexie's car home? I don't want her driving again until she's better." Travis nodded "I'll get Mark to come out and meet me." "Thanks. I better get back," Sean nodded as the two guys sat down in nearby seats as Johnny made his way back to the room.

As he approached the room door, Lexie's midwife exited. "Ah Mr Depp there you are, I'm afraid I'm going to need you to return to the room." She said quietly and sadly. Johnny nodded and followed her in. Lexie was lying in the bed, pale, her hair was a mess, her eyes were wide and puffy from crying. Johnny rushed to her side stroking the hair out her face, she turned her head and looked at him, the woman looked completely broken. He began to say something but he found no words as the midwife interrupted the moment. "I really am truly sorry to tell you but you've suffered a late miscarriage Miss Donnington. The body sometimes rejects the pregnancy if chromosomes are missing or deformed, or for whatever reason are not doing what they should. There is no cause and no real reason other than that. It's all completely natural, so you shouldn't blame yourselves." Johnny slowly swallowed as he fought back the tears, he knew he had to remain strong for his girl right now but he had no idea how long his courage would last. Especially hearing Lexie break down beside him, he wrapped his arms protectively around her holding her shaking body. "From what we know so far, no significant damage has been done and everything is well, so I see no reason why you two shouldn't be able to try again in a few months. Please know that we are here to help you through this, there is plenty of support and guidance on offer, you are not alone." Johnny nodded to the midwife as she quietly left the room. Johnny's courage slowly crumbled as he cried with his girlfriend over the loss of their baby. Lexie was a complete and utter mess, her body was trembling as he pulled back cupping her face. "Darling, please please calm down, it's going to be ok, I promise. We will get through this, I swear to you." He said as he gently kissed her wet lips softly. She sobbed even more at his words as she clung onto him. Heartbroken didn't even cover the anguish they were both suffering in that moment. It wasn't fair. They were so excited at the prospect of becoming parents together, this was the light that they both sought. Why had it been taken from them so cruelly?

An hour later, a nurse had come in to check Lexie again and she made some notes on the board before quickly retreating. Johnny kissed Lexie's head. "Can I go tell the guys? Then they can go home and come back when you're discharged? We don't want them hanging round do we?" Johnny practically whispered. Lexie nodded and struggled to let go of Johnny's hands but did as she laid back in the bed staring off out the window with tears rolling down her cheeks. Johnny wiped his eyes, took a deep breath and opened the door heading out to the corridor. As he approached, the two guys stood looking sad. He knew they knew, but he had to say the words. "We lost the baby." He whispered, his heart broke at the reality of saying the words, Sean and Travis both looked down. "I'm so sorry boss." Sean added before Travis gave his sympathies. "I don't know how long they'll keep Lex in, you may as well go home and get some rest, I'll call you when we need you." "Sir? Are you sure? Do you not need anything?" "No, I just need to try and put my girl back together." Sean nodded. "Ok well we'll be twenty mins away tops ok?" Johnny nodded and retreated. When he returned to Lexie's room, the midwife was in there again. "We have sedated her, the blood pressure was rising far too high for my liking and we need her body to rest and fully recover. She will be out of it for a few hours, but I anticipate you being able to take her home later today, if not this evening." Johnny nodded and sat down in the chair beside the bed as the medical staff left the room. He immediately took hold of Lexie's hand desperately craving her. "My darling, you're an absolute Angel. I know it won't feel like it now or when you wake, but I promise, we will get through this, I know we will, we have to. We need to, we need to make it work, we need one another. After the trial, and once everything gets sorted, we can try again. We will have an army of kids if that's what you want." He had tears rolling down his face as he finished his speech, he wiped his face, before slowly kicking off his shoes and climbing in beside her. She was facing the other way, but he didn't care. He held her in his arms as he cried himself to sleep.

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