Chapter Seventy Nine

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"Darling I don't see what the big deal is. If you were still pregnant, you would have wanted us all to be together as a family for the holiday. Nothing has changed, I still very much want that." "Johnny, we were rushing our relationship because of the pregnancy, now I think we should slow things down a bit that's all." "Lex, I love you and I see a future with you but if you don't see that with me then why are we even bothering?" "Johnny, of course I want a future with you, I just don't want to rush things." "Darling, spending a holiday together, and marking a year since we embarked on this adventure isn't rushing." Lexie nodded and looked to the floor. "Ok. I'll stay for Thanksgiving." "Really?" Johnny's eyes widened as he smiled. "Yes if you'll have me, and if it's ok with the children and Vanessa, then yes I would love to stay for thanksgiving." "Oh darling, thank you." He picked her up and twirled her round as they stood in the middle of his bedroom. She could tell how much it meant to him and she was glad to make him happy. He gently placed her down on the floor before kissing her. "However I have to get back straight after, I've got a shit load to do for Christmas." "Ok I promise I'll let you go, and hopefully once the kids wrap up school here, we can come over and join you before heading to Paris?" "Sure." "Do your parents want to come to Paris?" "My parents?" "Well I guess if you're spending Christmas with me, then they'll be on their own?" Lexie smiled "Oh I hadn't thought, I'm sure my grandparents will have them or maybe my aunt and uncle or something. Some years we even spend it with Tom so they won't be alone." "Well how do you feel about me inviting them?" "Johnny that would be wonderful but please don't feel you have to." "I want to. A lot of my family don't want to make the trip to Paris this year, so it's going to be fairly small and intimate, I would like them to be there if they want to be." Lexie lent in and kissed Johnny passionately. Maybe she should be more carefree and relaxed, after all their relationship was going well, wasn't it?

A week later, Lexie and Kate were hitting the LA shopping scene. As they headed from store to store, they noticed more and more press gathering to follow them. "This is insane, it's never been like this, has it?" "On and off, I guess it's just more consistent now that I'm the most hated woman in the world." "I don't hate you." Kate smiled, "That's because you are my best friend, you can't hate me." Lexie said giggling as they headed into Chanel. As they wandered around admire the clothing, Lexie spotted a pale pink coat. "That's gorgeous!!" Kate exclaimed. "Isn't it? God it's so chic. In fact I think that's the one Lily wanted." "Yeah it looks similar." Lexie called an assistant over. "Excuse me, is that from the Spring Summer collection?" "Yes Mam, it's proven very popular however I doubt they'll continue it, we've had no further deliveries." "Oh it's beautiful. Do you have many sizes left?" "Just a small." "I'll take it." Kate gasped "You won't fit into that.. no offence." "Kate it's not for me, it can be one of Lily's Christmas presents." "Jesus, one of? How much do you plan on spending?" "I don't know but I know she really wants it, and if they are discontinuing it then I should get it right?" "Do you not think you should check with Johnny first? What if he's got it for her?" "Oh please do you really think Johnny, who couldn't remember what he was doing today has started his Christmas shopping? I'll check with Vanessa though you've got a point." "See I am useful." Kate giggled as the assistant wrapped the coat and placed it in an iconic Chanel bag. "Was there anything else?" Lexie looked at Kate who smirked "Yeah I'll wait for my Christmas bonus before I buy anything." Lexie giggled and paid with her credit card. As they left the store, she replaced her sunglasses as they were photographed again. Lexie grabbed her phone to text Vanessa.

I apologise for the random message, and my over enthusiastic approach to Christmas shopping but I know Lily-Rose was desperately in love with the Chanel pink coat that she wore on her shoot earlier this year. I've just spotted it and grabbed the last one, I wondered if you would be ok with me gifting it to her for Christmas? Hope all is well with you. Lexie x

Goodness you are organised aren't you!? Mind you, you have to be when you're with Johnny. He's somewhat of a last minute guy. Don't be surprised if he's asking you on Christmas Eve what you would like as a gift. That's an extremely kind thought but really unnecessary, you shouldn't be spending your money on spoiling the children. I know she will love it though. Thank you. Johnny tells me you're staying in LA for thanksgiving? I think it's wonderful, he's been alone for too long. V x

Lexie smiled at her phone, although it wasn't the norm to text your boyfriend's exes she knew in this case it was needed and Vanessa was sublimely sweet. She loved how kind and caring she was, and it meant a lot how much she had welcomed and accepted her into the fold. Kate dragged them into a nearby Starbucks as she text her back.

Oh please, they are wonderful children, it's an honour to spoil them, besides I knew how much she wanted it. As for Johnny, yes I know what you mean, he is somewhat lacking in the organised department. Yes I am staying, only if it's ok with you though? I wouldn't want to intrude. Xx

You are a joy. You are not intruding. Don't ever think that you are. Surely Johnny told you that? I'll see you during the holiday at some stage I'm sure. Xx

"So, are you sure you don't need me to stay?" "No honest Kate, there's no point, we can communicate like we always do anyway, and surely you miss Jamie right?" "Well yeah, it's hard being away from him but I get it. Your life is half out here now." "We will make it work don't worry." "How is Jamie?" "He's doing ok. He's gonna go for another promotion in the new year. Somebody is retiring so it makes sense." "Wow, he really must love it." "Yeah he does, sometimes I think he gets turned on more by investments than me!" The girls giggled as they left the coffee shop. They walked past a Louboutin store and Kate nearly died on the spot. "Oh my god! Look at them! They are insane!!" She pointed to some shoes in the window.

Lexie dragged her bestie into the store, and they made their way to the shoes in question

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Lexie dragged her bestie into the store, and they made their way to the shoes in question. The star spotted the name tag that was in a small plastic frame beside them. So Kate. "It's meant to be!!" She said to her friend. "Oh my god they are beautiful." "Try them on!" "No I couldn't. Even with the insane salary you are paying me, I can't just go out and pretend I'm you in all these designer stores." "Just try them on!!" Lexie handed the shoes to her friend who put them on and walked around in them. "God they look so good!" Kate squealed "and they would look so good with that black dress I'm thinking for New Years." "Yes!!! I love that idea... Excuse me.." Lexie said to a shop assistant "We'll take these in a 6 please." "No, wait what? I can't." Kate said sitting down. "You're not, I am, call it your Christmas bonus." Kate's eyes widened. "I can't accept that." "You can. It's easier for end of year finances if I treat you during the year anyway." "Lexie.. you can't." "Kate, I can!" She said handing over her card paying for the shoes. Kate squealed and hugged her best friend. "Thank you so much." "You're welcome. Keep up the good work." Lexie said smiling handing her the bag. "Jamie will kill me." "No he will kill me knowing I'm fuelling your shoe addiction."

Later that evening Lexie was back at Sweetzer with her legs draped over Johnny's lap as they sat in the sitting room. She was writing a list for thanksgiving, and Johnny wasn't being that helpful. "I'm pretty sure I said we would do the turkey, but I might be wrong." He said playing with his cigarette tin. "You think?" "Johnny thanksgiving is next week. We haven't ordered a Turkey??" "Hilda will get one don't panic." "Johnny, you've agreed to host, which in turn means me too and you haven't even told me how many people are coming." "It will be fine, don't panic, I promise we will sit down tomorrow and sort it all out." Lexie smiled and kissed Johnny's cheek placing her notebook on the coffee table. "How was shopping?" "Oh yeah really good thank you. I started my Christmas shopping." "Ooo get you." "Yes I got Lily a Chanel Coat." "Darling! That's an obscene amount of money to spend on the kids, please don't feel you need to buy them Christmas presents." "I want to, I checked with Vanessa too." "You did?" "Well yeah I wanted to make sure I wasn't treading on any toes." "Oh darling, what a thoughtful idea."

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