Chapter Three

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The next morning Lexie ran round her house like a mad woman, she didn't know why she was in such a tizz. Maybe it was nerves? Maybe it was the late night the evening before or maybe it was just because she would be seeing Johnny again?

She finally decided on light make up, a black pleated mini skirt, a black turtle neck body suit, knee high black boots, her Gucci belt and a tanned coat. Grabbing her black handbag from the day before she ruffled her hair, donned her shades and left the house. She jumped into the waiting car "So sorry Carl, not sure what happened this morning. Time just flew." "Not to worry love. Here I stopped at Starbucks. Usual I presume." He said passing her a large takeaway cup into the back seats. "You're a legend, thank you!" They began the short drive to the offices from the day before and as usual Lexie took the time to catch up on her phone, she spotted a text from her best friend Kaitlin, who was always known as Kate unless she was in trouble.

Hey you. Drinks Friday? Jamie wants to book Alento? X x

Sure thing, I have a meeting with management at 12, but will be done by 3. Any chance you're working from home? 😉 x x x

I am indeed, come on over after that, we can get ready together. Em says Max won't be back from Dubai until Saturday, so it will just be us x x

Fantastic at least I won't be 5th wheeling like normal, love ya x

They pulled up to the offices fairly quickly and Lexie jumped out. "Same as yesterday, call me when you need." "Will do, and thanks again for the coffee Carl." "My pleasure. Knock 'em dead!"

Lexie walked straight past the rude lady from the day before and made her way down the corridor. It was then she spotted an agitated looking Johnny on the phone. She couldn't help but overhear him.
"I don't give a shit what the other side say, I'll take her to court if that's what she wants, tell them if they do not come back to us by next week I'll do it. I'll press the buttons, I'm sick of it." Lexie smiled at Johnny as she tried to hurry along to the board room, she knew this was evidently a private conversation, she got to the door as Johnny wrapped up his conversation. "Hey you. Sorry about that, bloody legal stuff is screwing my brain." Lexie nodded "Hi, I'm sorry, it will all be over soon right?" "Hope so, I'm suing for defamation so just waiting on a court date." Lexie nodded as they entered the room together greeting everyone before taking their seats.

A few hours later they were wrapping up the table read, and everyone began their own little conversations. "Wanna hear something funny?" Johnny nudged Lexie. "Go on?" She smiled grabbing her bag. "My kids FaceTimed me last night, my daughter asked me if I took a photo of you when I met you." Lexie giggled blushing. "Really? She really asked that?" "Sure thing, in our house you are a far more bigger star than anyone." "Ha, well do you want a photo?" "What?" He replied shocked. "Sorry I just thought maybe you would want a photo?" "Ah man she would love that, would you mind?" "Umm god no, besides, I'll be getting a selfie with THE Johnny Depp.." he chuckled before pulling out his phone. "Maybe not here?" He said looking round the room. "I know just the spot." She stood up and moved her head towards the door as he quickly jumped up to follow.

They made their way along to the little coffee shop again from the day prior and Lexie ordered their drinks to go. "I know just the spot, it's not far." Johnny smiled at how much thought she was putting into this. They walked a little further and came to a big iron gate that was surrounded by a brick wall. "This is one of London's biggest secrets." She whispered smiling before entering, it was a stunning secret garden with wild flowers everywhere, elaborate arches covered in random plants and a few benches scattered. "Pick your spot Mr Depp!" She giggled sipping her iced coffee. Finally they walked and stood in front of a large rose bush covered in pink flowers. "She loves Pink and her name is Lily- Rose after all." Lexie smiled "Perfect!" Johnny attempted to take a few selfies but didn't seem to have the knack so in the end Lexie grabbed her phone out her bag and took a few photos including a snap of their coffee cups with the flowers in the background, she sent the selfies to Johnny to share with his daughter before posting the photo of the coffee cups on socials. Captioning it These are a few of my favourite things. Johnny thanked her profusely for the photos and for going out of her way to make it special, she noticed he was staring at the pictures a lot. "Are they ok Johnny?" "yeah sorry doll, it's just it's been a while since I've smiled like that, that's all." Lexie smiled, glad she could have been the one to provide the moment. They hung out in the secret garden finishing their drinks, and just as they did Sean approached "Sir, you're due in the studio again at 6. Do you want me to call Mr Beck?" "No no it's ok, I'll be there. What time is it?" "Just gone 3." "Ok well do we have time to drop this lovely lady home?" Lexie blushed "Don't be silly, I can call my driver he won't be far, you go." "Absolutely not, believe it or not, I'm a gentleman and a gentleman would never leave a lady like this." Lexie smiled. "So where do you live?" "Chiswick, it's not far, maybe 20 minutes." "Great, let's go." Johnny stood offering his hand to Lexie who took it and stood up, "Thank you, it's very kind of you." "Don't mention it." They walked back to the office block where Johnny's car was waiting. A man called Travis was driving it and they jumped in the back whilst Sean got in the front seat. "Heading to Chiswick first. Slight change of plans." Said Sean. "What's your address?" Johnny asked kindly "96 Barrowgate Road" Lexie replied sweetly. "Again, thank you so much." She smiled before texting Carl telling him he was no longer needed.

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